Chapter II

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Breakfast was quiet. We're about to finish eating right now and I've been glancing and smirking at Jaemin since we sat across each other.

He just gave me confused looks in return.

"Jeno, can you please join us in the car today for school?" father asked.

"Sure. No problem," I answered, still smirking at Jaemin.

Father was slightly shocked by my sudden agreement. Can't blame him, though. I've been disobedient my whole life.

We finally finished having our breakfast and we prepared to leave.

Father walked out first with his assistant telling him his schedules. I took my stuff from the sofa but then Jaemin blocked me. 

"What's your problem?" he asked with a calm, cold tone in his voice. Plus those eyes that seem tired of seeing people.

"I got none. Just amused by the fact that some people can be full of surprises sometimes, don't you think? It was nice seeing you at the club last night, by the way," I said and brushed imaginary dust off his shoulder.

I finally took my backpack from the couch and followed my father outside. I went inside the limousine that is parked in front of the entrance and sat across from my father and his assistant.
Jaemin followed and sat in the same seat as me but we were on both ends. It was a quiet 20 minutes trip to the university. No one bothered to talk.

I didn't manage to bid goodbye to my father when I got out of the limousine. I went straight to my friends who are waiting for me by the stairs.

As I arrived at their spot, Haechan tapped my arm and pointed at Jaemin who is walking straight inside, not bothering to look at anyone, even at me.

"Dude, who was that?" Haechan asked. I just stared at Jaemin walking.

"A tenant at home," I answered.

"What?" Renjun asked as well.

"You didn't tell us you're renting your rooms at the mansion," Jisung replied.

"So you guys could rent? Nah. I'm sure you ain't paying for anything," I told him.

"So? Where to today?" Chenle asked next.

"We'll skip class next time. Attend your classes for today, alright? All of them. Let's go," I said and tapped both of Haechan and Renjun's arms to get going.

We left the two of them since they have different classes. They're still in their first year of college.

"You always say that yet we never get to skip class!" Jisung shouted at us.

"That's because we never wanted you to skip class!" Renjun shouted back at him.

We don't want them to make the same mistakes we had back then. They got a long way to go in their first year and they get time to enjoy fun things, too, I guess. 'Cause I sure didn't.

We went to a nearby vending machine and bought some drinks before continuing to class. The professor wasn't there yet when we arrived. Jaemin was easy to spot and he sat on the front bench, inches apart from the person next to him.

So we're in the same class. I almost forgot he has the same program as me.

"Wow, so the two of you are still alive," a classmate told us, referring to me and Haechan.

"Of course. We're good examples. You should be inspired," Haechan answered her.

We went to our seat which is to the third from the last bench. People gave us glances as they find it rare for us to be here. Or arrive here first then the professors.

It's hard to believe that almost everyone in this academy strives to be the student, and there's me and Haechan.

It's an elite school they say, and it's for the elite. At the end of the day, all of us will be graduating because of nepotism, anyway.

"Where should we go after class?" Haechan asked me.

I shrugged at him. I don't know, too. I haven't thought of any plans yet.

"Can you please stop whispering your evil deeds at Jeno, you devil? And have you forgotten? You promised me the other day you'll be keeping me company as I finish my art project today. That's the plan after class, Haechan. Try breaking your promise. I won't hesitate to turn you into soil fertilizer," Renjun said beside Haechan who's covering his ears.

"Alright. Stop nagging," Haechan replied to him. We're still in college but these two looked like they've been married for ages. It's the everyday bawling for me.

"Settle down, people. We're starting your daily torture," our professor said as he enters the classroom. He stopped at his table and looked at us one by one.

Mr. Hyunsuk has always looked like he just woke up and drunk. His hair is messy, his beard is visibly starting to grow, his clothes are wrinkled and he looks like he hates his job but honestly speaking, he's good at it.

"Hmm, we have a new face," he said as he noticed Jaemin at the front bench. After he noticed everyone in front of us, he finally landed his gaze at our spot.

"Well, well, well. Congratulations on attending my class, Jeno and Haechan. Or rather, actually attending school," he said to us.

"We miss you too, professor," I replied that made the whole class laugh. Mr. Hyunsuk let out a laugh as well.

He slammed a book on the table as a sign he's going to start the class and the laughter eventually faded.

"Last week, I assigned everyone to memorize 10 pages from your book in marketing whatsoever, I forgot the name. I won't accept an 'I didn't get to memorize all of it, professor' or any type of your bullshits. If I want you to recite, you should recite. Recite me a passage and I'll be explaining it to you so you can understand it more clearly. Are we clear, students?" he told the whole class.

"Da!" everyone answered.

Mr. Hyunsuk made us respond 'yes' and 'no' in Russian and a lot more. I guess that is what also made his teaching strategies interesting.

"Starting from you. Go," he started pointing out to random people and without hesitation and full of confidence, they recited the passages. As for me, of course, I could do it like them, too. I'm not just an asshole like my father is making me look like. I also got brains but before Mr. Hyunsuk can get me to recite, the bell has probably rung already. 

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