Chapter III

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"Dude, he's literally behind the tree. Just shoot him," Chenle instructed as we finally reached the final level of the game we were playing.

"That's what I'm doing. Can you please calm down? I'm trying to get a good aim. Jeez," I replied.

"Aren't you supposed to be in your class?" some stranger said. I didn't answer and focused on shooting my opponent but we still lost.

"Damn. That was so close," Chenle complained.

I finally lifted my gaze to the person in front of me. He's the tenant in Jeno's mansion.

He's so beautiful.

Why is he talking to us?

"Why do you care?" Chenle asked him.

"You're blocking my locker," he answered.

We looked at the locker we were leaning on.

"It won't cut your tongue to excuse," Chenle told him and we left.

"Attend your class or I'll report you myself," the guy said as we walked away.

"Gosh, mind your own business," Chenle said, enough for me alone to hear.

"I think we really should attend class," I said as I put my hands inside my pants' pockets.

He looked at me waiting for me to say 'just kidding' or something but when he noticed I'm serious, he just agreed.

"I guess it won't kill us to study," he said. We went to the first year's building and used the stairs to the 4th floor.

"They could've used the money they took from our parents to add elevators," Chenle complained when we arrived on the 4th floor.

"How long has it been since you exercised?" I asked him. I already know his answer. I just want to hear it from him.

"I don't do exercise, Jisung. I don't do cardio. Walking towards the building was already torture but taking the stairs to the 4th floor? It's enough to kill me," exactly what I wanted to hear from him.

We entered the classroom at the end of the hallway. There was no professor yet but the class is dead silent. As expected of a top class. The air here is filled with intellectual air. They inhale and exhale intellectual air. Ah, yes. Exaggeration. I like to define it with exaggeration.

Our classmates just ignored us when we stepped in, completely focused on their books in case the professors gave us surprise quizzes, better be prepared. Chenle and I sat next to each other and as we sat, I laid my head on his lap. He doesn't mind because I always do this.

"Did you shower today?" he asked as he touched my hair.

"I did," I answered with my eyes closed.

"So that's why your hair is unusually soft," he continued.

"Should we shower together so you could actually believe me?" I joked.

"You know that I could break your neck right now, right?" I laughed at him.

I know he could do it but his ears are too red to mean it. I heard the teacher went inside because it was too quiet. I sat up lazily and leaned my back. This is gonna be so boring and I'll just endure a little bit longer now.

We were about to pass the library building when I saw the guy last time enter the big hall. We were about to go to the 2nd year college building when I grabbed Chenle towards the library.

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