Chapter 26: Come Away To The Water

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Katya heard her phone ringing, which was odd as no one other than Trixie had her number and Trixie never called, always relying on text messages instead. She hurried to the phone, but when she picked up she heard nothing but muffled noises.

"Trixie?" She asked into the phone. She heard a loud noise, as if the phone had been dropped on the ground and after that there was nothing but silence.

Panicked, Katya ran out on the street, her eyes frantically looking around for any sign of the girl. Trixie had just left her studio, so the blue eyed girl knew she couldn't have gotten far. She followed the road that she knew Trixie always took home, and sure enough, there she found the girl's Barbie pink cellphone laying on the cold ground. Trixie however, was nowhere to be seen.

Katya's heart felt heavy, darkness and dread filling her as she imagined every awful scenario. She had never in her life felt so worried before, not only because the young girl was missing, but because she had no idea where to even look. She felt completely helpless and lost, until a familiar rose scent filled the air.


Someone with the blood of the Prince of Darkness was bleeding and they were bleeding alot, which could only mean one thing; Trixie was in serious danger. 

Katya followed the scent, jumping from place to place as it grew stronger. That unmistakable smell, that fresh rose scent that was somewhat reminiscent of a mix of vine, honey and fruit. What frightened her most was the fact that if she could smell it, others could too. There were countless spirits and beasts that would jump at the chance to drink the blood of the Prince of Darkness, and if they drank enough, the human girl would be beyond saving.

As she teleported one more time, she was brought to a familiar lake. The home of the Navia, who were spirits born from people who died prematurely. They were all linked to tragedy, they were the killed, the killers, or the drowned. Anyone who knew to take Trixie there, also knew that causing any harm to the girl would be like feeding her to the water spirits. Those dark spirits would dance on the lake's surface as they waited for victims or a chance for revenge, their shadows appearing like mist to humans. 

Katya's eyes searched around the landscape until she saw a crowd of dark spirits hovering over someone, waiting to feed on the person's soul.
She transported herself closer, walking with sure steps and a powerful gaze as she made her way towards the crowd of dark spirits. Once they saw the High Priestess, they quickly moved away from the human girl, clearly uncomfortable with the idea of getting caught by the demon ruler. 

The very presence of the High Priestess would usually install fear in most creatures, but a furious Katya was another thing entirely. The ground shook harshly with every step she took, a storm brewing around her as she lifted her hands and sent a wave of fire towards the spirits. They vanished entirely then, falling back to their place as mist on the glassy lake.

Katya was horrified as she took in the sight in front of her. Trixie layed unconscious on the ground, blood spewing out of a deep wound on her thigh. It was clearly a cut made by a demon, far too perfectly carved to be done by anyone or anything else. The young girl looked like a lamb that was fooled into going to the slaughter, compeltely defenseless and pure as it was ripped apart by dark souls.

The demon sat down, lifting the wounded girl's upper body so she was laid across her lap before she let her hand hover above the cut. She moved her hand in a circular motion and soon the blood traveled back into the girl's body and the wound closed itself up, no sign of any injury remaining. 

"Wake up, Trixie." Katya practically begged, shaking the girl slightly. 

When there was no response, she decided to transport them back to her apartment. It was risky, even if the wound was technically healed, Trixie was still hurt and moving her was not ideal, but Katya also didn't like the thought of her being near the Navia for any longer than she already had. Although the Navia were far weaker then Katya herself, they were still revengeful creatures who fed on human souls in order to strengthen themselves enough to hurt those responsible for their death.

"Trixie, please... Please wake up, baby..." Katya whispered, holding the girl to her chest. 

They were on Katya's couch now, safe in the comfort of her home, but Trixie still wasn't moving. Katya could tell the girl was breathing which was good news, but the fact that the girl still hadn't woken up was troubling. 

"K-Ka.. Katya?" A small voice suddenly said, long lashes slowly revealing honey brown eyes.

"Oh thank god, you're okay." Katya breathed out in relief as she hugged the girl to her even more tightly. 

Once again, she'd managed to stop tragedy from happening in the nick of time, and her lover was again safe and sound. They'd run around the rules of nature once more, and fate had granted them another chance.

Katya could only hope that the hands of destiny would continue to be on their side.

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