Chapter 29: When Heaven's Door Closes

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"Please, please grant me another chance. I almost succeeded." Byremeon pleaded as he stood before the Holy Council.

"Another one? We granted you three chances, Byremeon. You have failed us, and your actions have lead to The High Priestess knowing that she and the human girl are under attack. She's even gone as far as marking the girl's skin with the sigil of Lilith. The mess created from us granting you more chances is unforgivable." Ezerishin spoke harshly.

The demon looked like nothing more than a pathetic boy now, crouched on the floor as he begged for mercy, all confidence and smugness gone. He was desperate now, knowing what his failure would result in. 

"I am aware of how much I have disappointed you, but I swear there are ways to go around the protection of the tattoo." Byremeon said in a panicked tone, his eyes pleading for any chance of survival.

"Do not try to teach us, Byremeon! We have lived far longer than you and we know the rules and limitations far more in depth than your impatient and greedy soul ever could." Aurora spoke, hotheaded as always.

"I-I was not trying to, my apologies, I did not mean it that way...I.." The demon said in desperation, stumbling over his words as he tried to explain himself. 

"Enough! I have had enough of your foolish explanations and excuses. You knew the risk of failing us again and you still let your own smugness come in the way of success. Or perhaps it's not smugness at all, perhaps you just fear The High Priestess so much that you did not dare to finish the deed. I know it's not from a caring heart, you've done crimes against humanity that should have landed you in isolation years ago. We have let you run free because we thought you could aid us, instead you have done quite the opposite." Keorishin's strong voice boomed through the hall like thunder, his words striking like lightning on the demon's skin. 

"Please, Your Divine Grace. Please, I beg you, show mercy." The demon begged. 

"The time for mercy has passed. You shall face your punishment. I banish you to the cells of Jeboulin, they shall be your home for eternity. You shall see no one, speak to no one, know no one. You shall starve, but you shall not die. You shall feel as tho you are drowning, but also as if your skin is on fire. You shall wish for death, but never receive it's relief. This is your sentence." Keorishin said strictly.

"N-no, please, no. Auralia, please, you've got a kind heart. Please spare me." Byremeon said crawling towards the soft-hearted Goddess.

"His Divine Grace has placed his punishment and you have broken your promise. There is no kindness to be given." Auralia replied, her words harsh, but her voice as soft as a harp playing.

"And so it shall be." Ezerishin agreed, calling on guards to take the disgraced demon away. 

Byremeon kicked and screamed, but soon enough he was gone. Taken away to his prison where he would remain for forever. 

"What shall we do now?" Auralia asked.

"We will have to work around the limitations of the mark. A future with Yekaterina as the Eternal Ruler is too potentially dangerous to give up on stopping." Ezerishin spoke.

"There is a way that would be quite simple, it also frees us from causing death upon the human child. After all, the mark only protects against physical harm." Aurora spoke.

"You don't mean? Her?" Ezerishin asked in shock at what she might be suggesting.

"Yes. Her. If we free her and send her to the human girl then the girl's fate with Yekaterina will be stopped. We only need to stop the human girl from announcing her love and following The High Priestess to the Realm of Darkness before the red tide passes. Once the tide has passed we can try to free the girl." Aurora spoke. 

"But sister, freeing the girl from her would be near impossible." Auralia said.

"And if we caused her death then she'd already be gone by now. This is merciful." Her sister said.

"Aurora is right. She is our best hope at succeeding without breaking our laws. Free her, and let's stop this once and for all." Keorishin said.

"So it shall be." Ezerishin spoke, as he always did. 

The male deity took a bow before the rest of the council before leaving to travel to the cells of Jeboulin to free a demon who had not set foot on earth for nearly 200 years. This was their last chance, and she was their last hope.

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