Chapter 31: Our Secret Garden

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"Where is he? Please say that you've heard something, Jinkx." Katya asked the tea shop owner.

"I looked into it and it appears you were right in your assumptions, Byremeon has been working with the Holy Council. Ezerishin pushed me for information a while back, so I'm quite certain that they are behind this. Apparently there is some prophecy that they fear which relates to the prophecy of the Eternal Ruler, but I could not figure out what it is. Perhaps Madam Galina would know, but I am in no position to find out." Jinkx told her. 

"So what about Byremeon, where is he?" Katya pushed.

"It seems they've punished him, sometime after you gave Trixie the tattoo. I suspect the problems it caused was enough for them to sever their ties with him. From what I've heard they've locked him up in Jeboulin for eternity." 

"Serves him right, or well, I would have done worse." Katya interjected with a content smirk.

"I would not be so content if I were you. Whatever the Holy Council fear is big enough for them to attempt to work around the laws of the Gods in order to break the ties of fate. I am certain that they have not backed down. They are planning something big Yekaterina. Stay alert." Jinkx warned.

"You're right, there's no way that they'd quit now. They've already gone so far. I promise I will keep my eyes open." The High Priestess said before looking at the clock above Jinkx's door. "Oh God, I have to go meet Trixie at the library. I'll come by again soon, please keep trying to gain information."

"I will. Now go to her before she starts walking alone. She shouldn't be doing that now." Jinkx replied. Katya nodded and transported herself in front of the library, smiling when she saw the young girl still working through the window.

Trixie looked so calm when she was working, she looked completely in her element. Each returned book she so delicately placed onto each shelf. It almost looked like a carefully choreographed dance as she moved through the library. Katya felt that thump in her heart once again. That little feeling that told her that what she was feeling for this girl was far more than loyalty and possessiveness. The feeling that pushed her towards saying the three words that would dance around in the back of her mind.

"Hey baby, you ready to go?" Katya said as she entered the library.

"Almost, I've just gotta get all these placed." Trixie said, pointing to a stack of books.

"Okay, do you want help or do you want to do it?" The blue eyed women asked. Katya knew that she could have all the books put in their rightful place in a matter of seconds, but she didn't want to stop Trixie from doing her work as she knew how much the girl loved her job.

"I've got it. But you could read to me." Trixie suggested with cute puppy dog eyes.

"Sure,  дорогая." Katya answered with a warm smile before heading over to the shelves to find something good. She eventually picked out a poetry book, remembering Trixie's love for the art. She made a bean bag appear, like she had the last time she'd read to the girl, sat down and started to read.

"Where is the flower that blooms without shaking?
Any of the beautiful flowers of this world
all bloom while being shaken.
They shake on stems that grow upright.
Where is the love that goes without shaking?
Where is the flower that blooms without being soaked?
Any of the shining flowers of this world
bloom as they are soaked.
Soaked by wind and rain, petals bloom warmly.
Where is the life that goes without being soaked?"

"That's a pretty one. I kinda feel like that now, you know?" Trixie said as she placed the last book on the shelf.

"Like what?" Katya asked, putting the book down and holding her arms out, inviting the girl to sit down on her lap. Trixie walked over and sat down, combing her fingers through the other woman's blonde locks, removing loose strands of hair from the girl's face.

"Like I had to be soaked and shaken by wind and rain for years so that I could meet you and bloom prettily now." The young girl said. "Even the things that have happened since I met you, they all feel like they're hardships that we must go through so that we can live a happy life later on." 

"Mhmm... You've been through a lot because of me, I'm sorry." Katya said, feeling guilty about the harsh fate of the girl both before and after they'd met.

"Don't be. It will be worth it as long as we can one day bloom as shining flowers side by side." Trixie said, placing a soft kiss on Katya's lips before snuggling into the woman, not feeling any rush to leave their secret garden of books.

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