Family Reunion

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The drama in this chapter is going to make me die of laughter!! Hope ya like it, cuz, this ain't no do-nothing day! It's more of a City of Love!

Phineas and Isabella ran towards their group of friends, and were out of breath by the time they stopped. Baljeet, Buford, Ferb, and Emma looked at them worried. 

"What happened with Candace? I saw her hanging out with Jeremy and Suzy!" Emma said, raising an eyebrow. 

"Well... we, uh... Candace got hit with a green ray and now she thinks she doesn't care about Stacy." Isabella tried to explain. "But that's not the weird part!"

Ferb tilted his head. "Candace got hit with a green ray and that's NOT the weird part?" he scoffed. 

"We found Candace's kids from the future!" Phineas blurted out, and everyone turned to look at him. 

"I'm sorry, what?" Baljeet asked. 

Isabella tried to stifle a laugh. "He's right, we met two kids who look just like Candace and Jeremy and their names are even Amanda and Xavier!" 

"What do those names have to do with anything?" Buford asked. 

"A-am I the only one who heard Candace tell us those were the baby  names she picked out?" Isabella asked, slapping her hand to her forehead. 

"Girls pick out baby names?" Phineas asked. 

"Yes, yes they do! Like, I want to name mine and Phi- my little girl... Marie!" Isabella blushed, and Emma's jaw dropped. 

"Huh, okay. I like that name!" Phineas said, still oblivious to the almost slip up that Isabella had had. 

Isabella blushed and almost fainted, but Emma caught her. "Oh, no you don't! Not again!" Emma laughed and stood her best friend up. 

"Well, if what you say is true, what does that have to do with getting Candace and Stacy to be friends again?" Baljeet asked. 

Isabella took a deep breath, composing herself. "We have to come up with a plan, and it's gotta incorporate Phineas and Ferb's... niece and nephew... so they don't mess it up!"

"Niece and nephew? Whoa, are we really that old, Ferb?" Phineas joked, and the others laughed. 

"Oh, stop being stupid! What do you want us to do?" Emma turned to Isabella.

"One of us needs to talk to Stacy, the other needs to talk to Candace, and the rest of us can talk to Amanda and Xavier." Isabella commanded. 

"I can talk to Candace. I helped her that one time, anyways." Buford raised his hand. 

"And I can talk to Stacy! Ah, I would get to see Ginger, too!" he giggled like a girl and the others looked at him surprised. 

"You like Ginger?" Isabella asked. 

"I- uh... no..." he blushed, and they all knew what he was thinking. 

"That's a lie." Emma crossed her arms and smirked, then looked at Isabella. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"You betcha!" Isabella giggled and the girls high fived. 

"Alright, well now that we got the boys helping Candace and Stacy, Phineas, Ferb, Isabella and I will go talk to Amanda and Xavier!" Emma said, and the others nodded. "Break, team!" she said, putting her hand in the middle of the circle. Ferb's hand went directly on top of hers, and she gave him a smile and blushed. The others put their hands on top of the pile and lifted them all up at once, laughing and running to their positions. 

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