Smooth Sailing

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Good morning guys! I'm in exam week so I'm finally getting a lot more free time, so I'll be posting a bit more! Starting with this chapter, which I decided is going to be our little romance chapter starring Phinabella, Ferbma, and Canderemy! Basically, this chapter's gonna be split up every 300 words or so between the hospital and home, so there's gonna be quite a few scene changes, and "cliffhangers" that will be resolved later in the chapter. Without further ado, I give to you..... SMOOTH SAILING!!

Jeremy was driving Ferb, Emma, and Candace to the hospital so that they could get care before something got infected. 

"Candy Cane, you okay back there?" Jeremy called back, pressing his foot on the gas as much as he could without getting arrested. 

"I mean, for a girl that got mauled by a bear... sure, I'm fine!" Candace rolled her eyes. 

"Oh be quiet, at least your bone isn't sticking through your freaking skin!" Emma crossed her arms and gestured to her ankle. 

Ferb put his head in his hands while the girls continued to argue about who had it worse. 

"What's wrong, Ferb?" Jeremy asked. 

"Why did we get stuck with the two most headstrong girls in the group?" Ferb grumbled.

"Well, ya know, I have absolutely no idea. But it must mean we have a lot of patience. If things go the way they're supposed to, we're gonna be stuck with them forever." Jeremy grinned and continued driving.

"Oh, gosh... we're gonna need a lifetime supply of melatonin if the kids turn out like her..." Ferb sighed, and Jeremy started laughing his head off. 

"What are you two boneheads laughing at?" Emma looked towards the front. 

"I thought it was bone- ankle, Em." Candace snickered, and Emma shot her a death glare. 

"You keep making dumb jokes like that, and you're gonna wish you got mauled by the bear again." Emma growled. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, girls! Chill out!" Jeremy called from the front seat. 

"MAKE ME!" both girls screamed from the backseat at the same time, and then looked at each other wide eyed. 

"STOP COPYING ME! NO YOU STOP! AAAHHH JUST BE QUIET!" they said in sync multiple times, and then all four cracked up. 

"Okay, as much as I'd love to watch you two fight it out... again... we're here." Ferb said from the passenger seat. 

"Hmph, fine. Let's go, Ferb. Get me away from this girl that cannot even make a good joke!" Emma closed her eyes and lifted her head and put her arms out for someone to pick her up. 

Ferb sighed. "Yes, your highness." he rolled his eyes but smiled and picked her up. Jeremy did the same and the two boys walked their little stubborn princesses into the hospital. 


Back at home, Phineas and Isabella were trying to figure out what to do. 

"So, Phineas... we're alone! This- this never happens." Isabella blushed. 

"Uh, no, no it doesn't. What do you wanna do?" he asked awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. 

"Well, um... you got any blueprints we can build?" she inquired. 

Phineas' eyes brightened. "I have an idea! Stay right here, Izzy!" he grinned and ran up the stairs, almost tripping on the fourth step, but catching himself just in time. He reached his room and slid on the floor next to his dresser, opening it and pulling out a large, worn orange box that held a good amount of blueprints he'd come up with over the past few years, but never got to use them. 

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