Abort Mission!

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Hi guys! Sorry for no update yesterday, but hopefully this chapter makes up for it! This chapter has a lot of feels, humor, and craziness, but I'm sure you all will love it!! Anyways, enough blabbering from me, your sanity is probably hanging by a shoestring just waiting for this update! Happy Reading!!! 


Candace ran to her house after storming off from the beach. She had had enough of people telling her what to do and how to feel, and nobody seemed to care about how she was feeling; only that she and Stacy had decided to break the friendship. She pulled out her phone and looked for someone to comfort her pain. 

Her brain fought to find out some kind of solution and view on what had happened, but the green beam's pull kept Stacy out of it, but at the same time, seeing pictures of Stacy on her camera roll of the times they had spent together made her brain spin in confusion. 

Mom? No, she'd think she was crazy. Isabella? No, she was working with her brothers. Jenny? No, Jenny had been out of town living with her grandparents for the summer. 

She smiled as she saw the next contact name pop up, and she called it. The phone rang for a few seconds before a familiar, soothing voice answered. 

"Candace?" a male voice said. 

"Hi, Jeremy. Hey, uh... I'm in kind of a rough place right now. Could you come over, maybe? Take my mind off of whatever happened today?" she asked, sniffling. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, Candace! Of course I can come over! Give me like 5 minutes and I'll be at your door, okay, cutie?" he replied, and Candace smiled and wiped the tears off her cheeks. 

"Sounds good. See you in a few, Jer." she said, and hung up the phone. 

When she approached the house, she heard voices in the backyard. She didn't feel like dealing with her brothers and their stupid antics anymore, but she stomped through the gate anyways. 

"What are you hoolig- wait... who are these people?" she asked, pausing to look at the 4 random kids in their backyard that looked suspiciously similar. 

"Hi, Mo-" Xavier started, but Amanda gasped and slapped her hand to his face before he finished his thought. 

"Wait a second... I've seen you before!" Candace exclaimed, raising her eyebrow and pointing to Amanda and Xavier. "Now, I have no idea who these other two are, but you two look familiar... OH! Time machine, last summer! What the heck are you guys doing here?" she asked, using her hand to wipe off the few remaining tears staining her cheeks. 

"Oops... guess that's what we get for not disguising ourselves... just don't tell-"

"Candace?" Jeremy asked, opening the gate. "I came early... who's this?" he asked, pointing to the new kids and walking to Candace's side, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and standing behind her. 

"Da-" Xavier tried to say, but Amanda's hand was still over his mouth. 

"Stop talking, dork!" Amanda hissed. 

Xavier took off his sister's hand aggressively and rushed to his parent's side, hugging them tightly. He was happy to see them together again after all of the crap that had happened in his own timeline. 

Candace and Jeremy looked at each other and then down at the little boy, and awkwardly hugged him back, while Amanda facepalmed. 

"Look, this is going to sound horrible, but you guys need to get back together." Amanda sighed, tired of following their plan that had already been shattered to pieces.

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