Rescue Mission

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Good afternoon everyone! It is currently 1:54pm and I am going to start with this chapter! We're going back to the boys, so get ready for some more adventure, drama, excitement, etc! 

The first to wake up the next morning was Phineas. He had had a nightmare the night before, and it woke him up at 3am. After that, he couldn't fall back asleep, so he got out of bed, still not noticing Marie in his brother's bed, and tiptoed downstairs to sit in the kitchen. 

He sat silently, hearing the low hum of the air conditioner and the occasional drip from the kitchen sink. 

"Man, I really gotta fix that... it's annoying as heck." he mumbled, putting his head in his hands to try to contemplate the situation. The girls, especially Isabella, were out there, somewhere, with no way to contact them, and he didn't even know if they were alive. Flashbacks of his nightmare rushed to his brain and he tried to push them out. 

He must have made too much noise because minutes later, he heard familiar footsteps come down the stairs. He turned his head to find his sister's boyfriend in the doorway. 

"Hey, Jeremy." Phineas whispered, so as to not wake up the others. 

"Morning, Phineas. What are you doing up so early?" Jeremy asked. 

"I- I had a nightmare, and I couldn't fall back asleep." Phineas replied. 

"Wanna talk about it?" Jeremy asked, sitting down next to him. 

Phineas inhaled deeply and let it out. "Well, I guess... I just remember walking through the forest, alone, and it was all dark, and there were noises everywhere, and the world was just spinning, and then I-" he paused and started shaking. "I found Isabella... but she was... gone." he stammered, starting to tear up. 

"Phineas, it was just a dream, bud! Hey, they're not dead!" Jeremy said, patting Phineas on the shoulder while Phineas sobbed. 

"It felt... felt so real!" he cried. 

Jeremy looked around nervously, hoping he wouldn't wake up any of the others. "Phineas, I hate to be that guy, but you gotta keep it down, the kids are sleeping." Jeremy whispered, and Phineas looked at him and wiped his nose. 

"Sorry... just scared me." he mumbled. 

"I know, bud. C'mon, we should get our stuff together since we're awake. The earlier we go out to look, the better, right?" he smiled, and Phineas nodded in reply. 

After the boys got their backpacks ready and got bundled up, they wrote a note for Ferb. It read:

Dear Ferb,

We went out to look for the girls. Too dangerous for the kids. Keep them safe. We will radio in every hour as possible. Have fun.

-Jeremy and Phineas

They left the house while it was still dark outside and made their way to the forest. 

"Phineas, you got the GPS?" Jeremy asked. 

"Yes, yes I do. Let's go find those girls!" Phineas grinned and they started their hike. Both boys were shivering in the cold of the forest. 

"Why, oh, why did we decide to do this at 4am?" Jeremy asked, his teeth chattering. 

"I-I-I do-don't know... so cold... ow..." he whispered, proceeding to walk through, bracing himself against the wind. 

A few hours of walking later, the sun was finally rising, and the boys decided it was a good idea to take a break. They paused and sat down in one of the few sunny areas while they radio'd in with home base. 

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