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Charlie's pov
Here's the thing I have always had a crush on Ag and I sorta felt like she liked me too but I didn't want to jump to conclusions.

See I have never been in a relationship but Ag has and is in one with Pyper. They seemed to have a perfect relationship and I just wish I could be in pyper's place. Just me and Ag but I cam dream.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and I got ready for school. I texted Ag and asked if she wanted a ride she said yes so I got ready to go. On the ride to school we just talked and about school and how life was. Once we were there we parted ways to our classes.

It was lunch period and I joined Ag and her friends and we just talked. Ag said something about me and I blushed. I tried hide it but she had already seen it. We finished lunch and headed to math which we happened to have together. We ended up being partners for a math project we were working on.

Pov Ag
During lunch I said something about Charlie and and she started to blush. She tried hiding it but i had already seen it. Then we headed off to math we were partners for a math project we are working on. See here is the thing I am in a relationship but I have always had a crush on Charlie but I just don't think she likes me back. Don't get me wrong Pyper is amazing but there is just something about Charlie that is different she had a special place in my heart. It could be that we grew up together and we spent our whole life's together. But I knew she didn't like me back or at least I thought.

—————————————————————————————Here is a longer chapter for you hope you enjoyed

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