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Possible trigger ( Alcohol)
Ag pov
Tonight there is a party and me and Pyper decided to go. It started a 7 so i started getting ready at 6:30. I went and picked up Pyper and once we arrived I could smell the alcohol as soon as I stepped in the house. We started to push through the crowd to the kitchen to find drinks.I left Pyper with some of her friends to go talk to Mia. After a while I asked Mia if she had seen Pyper. Mia said no so I went to go find her.

I had checked the whole house and I got to the last room. I opened it to see Pyper on top of some random dude. As soon as I saw that I ran out of the house and ran till I couldn't. I sat down on the curb, pulled out my phone and called Charlie as tears started to run down my cheeks.

Charlie's pov
I got a call from Ag so I picked it up and I could hear Ag crying. She asked if she could come over. I said yes because I could tell she needed to talk to someone.

—————————————————————————————— it is a short one but next chapter will be longer and a lot better.

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