Chapter 1

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           You will often hear that school life is one of the most important times of our lives. It's where most of us meet our friends for life. It's where we learn the knowledge we will use for most of our lives. Maybe the most important part it's where we find ourselves. Where we find what we want to do without lives. For me, this couldn't be any more true. You see I am a werewolf, now thirty-three with my children. Like my parents and my brother, Ecneret I am a supernatural officer. I am a secret agent of the supernatural world which lives side by side with the human world. Under your noses but out of sight enough that you don't even know we are there. My job means I can be called anywhere in the world to hunt down supernatural entities, which have either harmed other supernatural beings or threaten to expose us to the human world. Sometimes this involves killing, but that is for another story and another time.

As a child I didn't know what I was at first, nor did I know what my older brother and parents did. I grew up in a big house, five bedrooms with en-suits and a massive kitchen and living room. We were lucky enough to have a small indoor swimming pool too, not a common thing in England. But with the money from my parent's job it came with the downside that they had to work away a lot. Sometimes been gone over a week at a time. It did bother me at first, but by the time I was six, I was used to spending time at my parent's childhood friends house, the Gunnulfs. That is where I first met Aurora, years before we both ended up at Willow Springs. Unlike me, Aurora knew what she was from a young age, and no not a werewolf. Aurora is a Wiccan witch, and she practised from a young age, though she kept it from me until my parents told me she was going to Willow springs with me. As a child, she was short in height and slim. She had long blonde hair which even as a child nearly touched her bum when she was standing. In adult life she hasn't changed much, she is still very slim and short, but now her hair is slightly shorter. For a man, I am short and slim but as a child, at this point in my life, I was slightly taller than Aurora but just as slim. My hair was a rich brown colour and often left to grow longer than most boys of eleven had it. But enough about me, back to Aurora. Aurora lost her mother at the age of eight, and soon after her father, a Lord called Lord Gunnulf, a powerful man in both the supernatural world and the human world, but he's only a Lord in the supernatural one. His family estate where he still lives to this day is massive, much bigger than the house where I grew up in. It must have at least twenty bedroom and countless other rooms. But Lord Gunnulf always made me welcome and even gave me my bedroom, next door to Aurora's. He let me have a free run in the house like it truly was my own, that was all but the massive basement area, which later on I found out was because it was his families secret Wiccan room. I have been in it now of course, but it was only after I had completed my studies at Willow springs. I remain close to Lord Gunnulf and very grateful for what he did for me as a child.

My own family is important in their self. I didn't see it as a child, but I do now. My family is one of the oldest werewolf families in England, and was once a royal one at that, though when one of my ancestors attacked another village the families title was stripped away but we were left with some power in politics and some land, which my uncle still owns.

The day where I say my life started, my new life was the last day of year six, I would have been eleven years old. I was walking back with Aurora and her nanny to her father's house and I thought it be like every other evening after school. The sun was shining bright in the sky and for a summer in England, it was very hot. Aurora and I were walking a few steps ahead of her nanny, a woman called Needfyre a woman who was also a Wiccan. To describe her from memory I think she was about five foot eight and of normal build, but adults all look taller when we of children. I remember how I always thought she was a little strange, and couldn't understand why Aurora's father hired her. It was only when I finally asked Aurora on the final day of Willow Springs that she revealed that her family had always served the Gunnulf family since they came to England during the Viking invasion. To this day the Gunnulf family crest is made up of a round Viking shield surrounded by Viking runes. My family crest is much simpler than the Gunnulf one, Thor's hammer with our family name Ragnarson wrote down the handle and a wolf head at the end... Ragnar has been a name some history lovers may recognise, and yes we are ancestors of the mythological Ragnar. Ragnar one of the scariest and ferrous Vikings who ever lived.

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