Why she did it

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Y/n's POV:

~flashback still~

After some time my brother had arrived and he was tired and had Oikawa with him. They always looked great next to each other. "What happened to my sister!" Yamaguchi helped me up and brought me to my brother. "We have no clue but I know it had something to do with those boys." My brother snatched me from him and held me close to him. "Thank you but we'll be leaving now."

~end of flashback~

Kyotani's POV: I start waking up since I hear some whimpering which was odd. I opened my eyes and it was y/n. She was crying but she was also asleep? I went to the too the room door. "Uh doctor!" "Yes can we help you?" "I think somethings wrong she's crying but asleep." I moved out of the way so that they could check on her.

"She's ok don't worry she's probably having a bad dream. Why don't you come and sit next to her and attempt to comfort her please and thank you." They left the room and went to her side and just kinda laid my head on hers I didn't know if help but I didn't know what to do it'd be weird to hold her hand.

Y/n's POV: I felt movement around me and then weight on top of me. I let out a quite Goan and began to open my eyes but immediately sit them again due to the brightness of the lights. "Fuck shut off the lights will ya." I felt someone golt up. "Your awake!?" It was Kyotani but he looked more happy and relaxed then his normal from what I know grumpy look. "Yeah now dim the light my eyes hurt." He got up from the chair and dimmed the lights and sat next to me.

He looked at me in the eyes with a very serious look and spoke. "Why did you do it. Just why." I looked at the bed and gripped that weird blanket thing. "...." I had opened my mouth to speak but didn't. "You know you can tell me I won't tell your brother." I didn't know why but I trusted him I wasn't scared to talk him it was like I knew him for awhile it's been so long since I felt like I could to talk to someone like this or felt I could.

"When I was basically fresh into the 5th grade a very bad thing happened and it permanently scarred me. I couldn't be left alone I'd break down into tears and go into a panic attack if left alone for to long. It made me hate my body and how I look. It changed me forever I wasn't always well this bitch I am now I used to be very bubbly and nice.." he seemed so confused. "And when the two boys I hardly knew saved me there was so much fucking yelling and screaming and even some threats, I had managed to tell my brother where I was after he called since it was getting late." I paused to calm down. "I can't even think about that day without crying and I don't like screaming or yelling I can stand it but after some time I start to cry and I don't know why but that's how I've been."

It was so clear he was confused. I looked at him tears in eyes. "Touched, sexually assaulted, how ever the fuck you want to label it! That happened to me and the only people other then the idiots who did that to me saved me but the one ended up screaming and yelling at the others they yelled threats towards them and me. I don't trust people, I hate myself, I can't stand yelling it makes me cry, I have to have a person with me or one of my comfort things if I don't it's not a pretty sight, and I never have ever been the same since I never made many friends I often stayed away from everyone I felt empty and have been suicidal." "That the only reason." "If it was I wouldn't have done what I did asshole!" I gripped the bed sheet thing ever harder. "I have separation anxiety with my brother and Oikawa. I have depression caused by many events in my life, I have trama for some clear reasons, I have anger problems I don't like people telling me how to look and act or I just get angry easily and hate when people target girls or use them same goes for boys."

I looked back up him. "Look I didn't know if you thought that the new girl at school would be normal. But I'm not I might be Iwazumi's sister but I'm not he's so protective of me for many reasons but that day is the main reason. He's forcing me to be the manger so I'm not as I don't know miserable as I am. I'm so sorry that you have to be in the hospital with me missing school and dealing with all this shit Even though you just met me. And I know it's probably because your scared of my brother but I really can't thank you enough." This boy who could instantly scare anyone with a look hugged me and just rubbed my back. "It's fine really I had no idea. I'm so sorry." I didn't know why he was sorry or being nice to me.

The door opened it was my brother, Oikawa, and the doctor. "Ah good to see your awake deary." Kyotani went and sat next to my brother and Oikawa. The doctor checked up on me and then left. My brother looked very much pissed off but I didn't care well I kinda cared I mean I kinda know why he's mad but I also don't understand. He's always been confusing to me.

A/n:hi there double post on the story yes I did am I going to post more often yes I am. I hope you are liking it so far.

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