Are you mad or sad

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A/n:going to post every night (for me) now so yay

Y/n's POV: Blunt, oblivious, weird, and rude are the main words people often used to describe me but at this very moment as my brother yells at me and I hold back tears he's using none of those words. "Your an amazing, beautiful, smart girl why in the world would you try and kill yourself! I do my damned best at giving you everything you want and need and after almost two years without trying to kill yourself you actually almost succeed....what do you want what do I have to do to make everything better!"

I know he had good intentions but he should know as his sister I can't stand yelling. Maybe I should show that it affects me. No I shouldn't last time I did that nothing good came of it. "Shut up..." I mutter. "I'm sorry what." I look at Iwazumi with a glare. "You know damn well I can't with yelling and here you are yelling at me, you yelled at me and blamed me for things and acted like a dick that is one reason I did it just one...Kyotani was nice enough to me a girl he don't even know and just listened and comforted me to the best of his ability........he don't know me, and yet he seems to care more than you!" My brother seemed hurt but I couldn't give a shit.

"Iw-Hajime you should know me better than anyone yet you couldn't remember I don't like yelling as much as I yell you know that it triggers me to start seem to have such a short patience with me but yet Kyotani doesn't it seems you don't even care I want to think you do but it's so hard to when all you do is scream and yell at me telling me it's my fault or I didn't do something right. I know when I fuck something up and it's my fault ok it weighs on me and I hate it...I know you care for me but you seem to hate me at the same time and if it's because you 'have' to watch me all the time then stop I never asked you to. I'm not perfect and I never will be you of all people should know this. I know I probably look dumb saying this but it's true it honestly is...I feel as if you don't love I'm a burden and that you couldn't care less about me." I looked down at bed thingy. "I'm ready to go home when you are I don't like the hospital."

I never have been a easy person to understand if anything I'm the opposite it's difficult to understand me and what I mean. But I never meant to hurt my brother I just thought he needed to know how I felt.

After the doctors gave us the paperwork and we filled it out we all began the drive home. My brother drove Oikawa was in the passenger seat trying to brighten the mood. Kyotani sat in the seat behind Oikawa looking out the widow and I sat behind my brother looking out the window. I hated this the sad and dull atmosphere but then again it never bugged me it always was there with me. Always surrounding me. "So y/n-Chan are you ready to help with volleyball?" "I don't think I'm going even bother showing up to practices, you don't need me." I didn't even bother looking at him. "Come on I want to see you play again. You used to always play with me and Iwa-Chan." "....not happening Oikawa."

My brother looked odd I couldn't tell weather he was mad or sad but I could t care at this point.

~timeskip to nighttime~

My brother had already gotten a new doer and replaced it earlier today which was nice. I threw on a random sweater and sweat pants. I flopped on my stuffed animal filled bed and sighed. "My I should give volleyball a chance..." *knock knock* "Can I come in." 'I forgot he was staying here.' "Yeah sure." I sat up on my bed and held a stuffed rabbit in my lap.

Kyotani sat next to me. "You know I've noticed that since I've woken up you've been way nicer and not such an asshole why's that. I mean I don't mind it's just kinda odd."  He seemed kinda surprised that I even said that. "Look I'm not normally the type to be too blunt about things but I've only known you for awhile and I have a feeling your normally a dick." We stared at each other for awhile and then burst into laughter I had even forgotten how he left the door open.

Iwazumi's POV: 'Looks like they get along, maybe I should back off a bit.' "Whatcha looking at Iwa-Chan." "Fuck off Shittykawa." "So vulgar." He looked in the room. "They're be cute for each other don't you think. Maybe even help each other in some ways." I looked at him and held a fist. "I'm sorry repeat that."

Y/n's POV: "Seriously don't act any different around me just because of some dumb thing I tried to do really." He seemed unsure at first but eventually agreed he'd be his normal self. "Want to watch a movie?" "I actually kinda want to watch some anime." He grabbed my remote and a blanket and wrapped it around us both. "What one?" I thought for a minute. "How about Death Note?" "I think you've had to much death for now."  "Ok how about...Ouran Highschool Host Club!" He groaned. "Death Note it is." I giggled and snuggled a little closer to him. I felt safe with him and I think that's a good thing you know.

~smol timeskip~

"Why the hell does he sit like that it's so fucking weird." "I don't know I think it's kind cool. I'm surprised that Light can even put up with L and the other way around they seem so different right." I held onto the stuffed bunny and looked back at the screen. The one girl is trying to get Light's attention but he don't seem to think of her that way. Oikawa opened the door. "Alright you to bed time we got school tomorrow. Kyotani sleeps on couch request from Iwa-Chan and y/n stays in her room all night unless she needs a drink or the restroom but you have one in your room so that's off the board." I rolled my eyes and pushed both boys out of my room.

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