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Side note: When the other Peters come in Peter T stands for Tobey and Peter A stands for Andrew's!

Peter's POV:

Everyone knows my story I'm Spider-Man aka Peter Parker and my identity has just been revealed to the entire world all thanks to beck.... thankfully Taylor, Ned, and Amy all had my back but it was really dangerous for everyone around me now that my identity has been revealed....

Flash: "Hey penis Parker! Just because you're Spider-Man dosen't mean I like you nerd."

Taylor: "Hey asshole!"

She picks him up and shoves him against a locker.

Flash: "I could make you my bitch right now."

Taylor: "You'd like that wouldn't you??"

Flash: "Very much so."

Taylor: "Go to hell and leave Peter alone."

She drops him and walks away and walks straight up to ned and starts making out with him.

Ned: "You're such a badass how did I get so lucky?"

Taylor: "How did I get so lucky?"

Amy: "You look great by the way!"

Ned: "Thanks Taylor's the best work out partner."

Taylor: "He was perfect just the way he was but he insisted on loosing weight."

Me: "Taylor is the best mission partner she always keeps me focused."

Taylor: "Yeah someone has to so we don't die!"

Me: "See you after school?"

Taylor: "Yeah later partner."

After school we were picked up by happy and he drove us to nicks office I had no idea what was going on and neither did Taylor but we just went along with whatever was about to happen.

Nick: "Thank you both for coming."

Taylor: "Can you make this quick?"

Nick: "Oh Rogers always quick to the point."

Me: "Why are we here?"

Nick: "You're aware there's other universes right?"

Taylor: "Yeah I'm married to Amy's dad in one of them!"

Me: "Still so weird.... but yeah definitely there's other universes out there."

Nick: "Come in boys....."

Peter A: "Hi I'm Peter Parker."

Peter T: "Hey I'm also Peter Parker."

Taylor: "Wait what?!"

Peter A: "In my universe I was dating gwen but she died...."

Peter T: "I'm with MJ we are married in my universe."

Me: "T-this is weird.... and I didn't exist for awhile."

Taylor: "He just got his identity revealed to the whole world a few days ago...."

Peter T: "It's ok in my universe I did a weird thing when venom took over me...."

Taylor: "What?"

Peter T: "A awful dance...."

Nick: "Whatever villains are from their universe came with them.... all of them."

Peter T: "Well from my universe we've got green goblin, doc oc, sandman, venom, new goblin, and Dennis carradine.... what about you?"

Peter A: "lizard, electro, and rhino."

Nick: "I don't know how long we've got to send them back to their universe but if anyone can help them it's you two."

Taylor: "Time to save the world again?"

Me: "Hell yeah."

Peter A: "Who are you again?"

Nick: "That's Taylor Rogers Captian America's daughter and she's gonna save our asses."

Me: "Along with me."

Peter T: "Well let's do this!"

Also shoutout to my homeboy Jacob for loosing weight! I think he looked great either way I just hope he's happy that's all I care about I love his vibes

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Also shoutout to my homeboy Jacob for loosing weight! I think he looked great either way I just hope he's happy that's all I care about I love his vibes

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