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Peter's POV:

Everything was semi back to normal as normal as it could be.... Taylor and I were still mission partners but we asked Amy for help when we absolutely needed it.

Taylor: "You ready partner?"

Me: "As ready as I can be..."

Taylor: "Let's go."

Taylor and I walked in a room full of interviewers and cameras were flashing everywhere. I was super neverous mr Stark did stuff like this all the time but when I did this nobody knew my identity now everyone knows....

Interviewer: "Why should we trust you you're a child."

Me: "Mr- Tony Stark chose me he guided me. He trusted me. He died for me. He wouldn't have done all that if he didn't trust me to save you all.... I had to kill beck for the greater good he was a danger to you all."

Taylor: "Peter and the other Peter's saved you all! And you're ungrateful."

Me: "Don't forget you saved them too."

Taylor: "My dad froze me so I could be in this time area so I could be here to help you all with Peter. Trust me you are all very lucky he has such a big heart to save you all everyday."

Me: "Thank you Taylor."

Taylor: "You're welcome."

Me: "The truth is I am Spider-Man and tony wanted me here it's why he and the rest of the avengers went back in time to bring me and everyone else back."

Interviewer: "Taylor what's it like working with Peter aka spiderman?"

Taylor: "I wouldn't trade it for the world. My dad worked with the avengers and I get to work with my best friend."

Me: "Please trust us when we say we are doing our best to save New York and the rest of the world."

Nick: "That's all the time they have for today they have other things to do today."

We went back to Nick's office and bucky was waiting in there.

Taylor: "Dad!"

Nick: "Had to get you guys out of there to let you guys know Bucky is home."

Bucky: "So what did I miss?"

Taylor: "It's a long story."

Bucky: "I've got time."

Taylor: "You wanna tell it?"

Me: "Well it all started when."

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