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Peter's POV:

Well that didn't go well Amy and I fighting? Fighting in general that isn't with villains big yikes..... anyways I had to go home to eat dinner with may and also figure out how to send the Peter's home and also their villains... I got this.

May: "How's everything?"

Me: "Stressful."

May: "Fair enough there's two Peter's in our universe right now."

Me: "Amy's upset with me...."

May: "Well you got the option to choose her or Taylor as your mission partner and you chose Taylor..."

Me: "Of course I chose Taylor! You know how upset she'd be if I didn't? We work well together...."

May: "Yeah true."

Me: "I can't please everyone...."

May: "It's a tough lesson to learn."

Me: "Yeah it is but anyways thanks for dinner I gotta figure out how to send the Peter's home."

Someone knocked on the door.

May: "I'll get it!"

May runs to the door it's ned.

Ned: "Hey Taylor's out like a light I'll go sleep with her later but I'm not letting you work on how to send them home alone."

Me: "Thanks Ned."

Ned: "Yeah no problem."

•••A few hours later•••

Ned: "So if we build this portal."

Me: "It'll send everyone home."

Ned: "Now to just send it."

Me: "To nick and he'll approve of it or not and everything will go back to normal... right?"

Ned: "Absolutely."

Me: "Go to her I know Taylor sleeps better when she's next to you."

Ned: "Thanks man."

Me: "Anytime."

Ned left and I emailed the plans to nick and headed to bed I texted Amy I'm sorry before I went to sleep to let her know I was sorry but right now New York is depending on Taylor and I and I just need her to understand that. Now to fix the balance of the universe.....

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