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Peter's POV:

All that was left was rhino once we defeated him then Peter could go home and this will all be over..... I hope. Taylor and I were training with the other Peter since it was the weekend and there was no school. Thankfully Amy and I did makeup all thanks to Taylor and that brilliant brain of hers.... but don't tell her I said that it'll get to her head. The other Peter explained to us that rhino was hiding. Nick was searching up and down looking for him because the other Peter was getting pretty weak.... it was scary to be honest he was pretty weak.

Taylor: "Happy's calling that's our cue to go."

Me: "I just hope this the end."

Taylor: "Me too."

We headed to battle I had a feeling this was going to be the end of this mess.

Rhino: "Finally."

Taylor: "You've got a lame name...."

Rhino: "Do I now?"

Taylor: "Yeah Bro."

Peter A: "Did you seriously call him bro?"

Me: "She works differently."

Taylor: "He's dead."

Peter A: "What?!! How?!"

Taylor: "While you were too busy being concerned I called him bro I took him out with my shield and the hammer."

Peter A: "So that's it I'm going home?"

Taylor: "Yeah man it's been real."

The portal opens sending Peter and rhino back home.

Taylor: "I didn't like his vibes as much as I liked the other Peter's."

Me: "Yeah?"

Taylor: "Yeah but you'll always be my favorite Peter nobody rocks the suit like you do."

Me: "Thanks man."

Taylor: "Anytime."

Don't worry y'all this isn't the end.

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