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Peter's POV:

Today I was going to take Taylor's advice and talk to Amy on why I didn't choose her as a mission partner. Taylor did say communication is key. I walked up to Amy to get ready to talk to her but first I did have to tell her I was worthy of Thor's hammer!

Ned: "Dude that's so cool!"

Taylor: "I've never been more proud of this dumbass till that moment."

Me: "Amy?"

Amy: "Maybe I'd be more excited if you weren't such a little bitch Peter!"

Me: "I do have to talk to you about something."

Amy: "I'm listening you get five minutes."

Me: "Ok s-"

Peter A: "Guys we gotta go it's lizard!"

Me: "Oh um ok amy I wrote it down in this letter incase this happened please read it! I'm sorry."

Taylor: "Bye Ned love you!"

Ned: "I love you moreeeeeeeee go kick ass!"

We suited up once again and headed out to defeat lizard.

Taylor: "What's so scary about a guy named lizard? OH MY GOD WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE THAT?!"

Peter A: "He is scary looking but I need you both to focus."

Ned's POV:

It was after school and the fight with the lizard was still going.

Amy: "What if something happens to my Peter and he still thinks I'm mad at him?!"

Me: "They'll be fin- it's happy calling me."

Amy: "Pick up!"

Me: "Hey. They won? Awesome. Cool. See you soon."

Amy: "Well?"

Me: "Our Peter's in the hospital so we have to go."

Amy: "Oh my god!"

Peter's POV:

I woke up in the hospital room with Amy next to me.

Amy: "I read your letter."

Me: "I'm sorry Amy."

Amy: "I forgive you."

Me: "Thank you."

Amy: "You ok?"

Me: "I am now."

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