The First Day

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I woke as golden sunlight streamed through the large windows of the dorm room. My phone read 6:30am and I groaned. Shifting the heavy scarlet coverlet off me I slipped out of bed. The flagstones were freezing against my feet making me shiver in my nightie. I padded to the bathroom with my robes in hand to take a shower.

Once I was done, I pulled on my uniform. Skirt in a tennis style, collared shirt, ridiculously loose tie, incredibly over sized Gryffindor jumper and absolutely shredded tights. Not to mention the doc martens. I accessorised with a chain and a few rings before doing my makeup. Some concealer here, some blush there, some eyeliner and mascara, contour, eyebrows, clear lipgloss and we are done. I sprayed myself with some perfume and walked out of the bathroom.
"Putting your own spin on the uniform I like it." Said Marlene as she entered the bathroom. When she emerged she was wearing fishnets, doc martens and a scarlet red suede jacket paired with sky high lashes and bright red lipstick . "Damn girl that looks amazing." I said. She gave a little spin and giggled. "The others won't be up for ages yet, do you want to go get some breakfast?"
"Sure." I responded so we made our way down to the great hall.
As we walked in I felt a lot of eyes on us but I didn't feel that self conscious as it wasn't just me and Marlene's confidence was infectious.

We sat for a while eating our breakfast and Marlene barely ever stopped talking to take a breath and she absolutely inhaled her full English breakfast. I ate a few perfectly golden slices of toast with a large mug of tea and wrinkled my nose in distaste as Marlene downed a veritable jug of coffee. "Coffee a day keeps the tiredness away." She laughed. We talked some more about random stuff before we were joined by the boys.

"How did you beat us down here?" Groaned James "You girls are always late." Marlene cackled " I'm always up but I normally wait for the rest of them but as Cat is an early riser get used to it. Oh and Sirius you owe me ten galleons." She added the last part casually.
"We made that bet in first year." He complained. "Cough up." She smirked holding out her hand. Ruefully he handed over the ten galleons and sat down, defeated, on my right.

"So Kitten," he said "shaking things up already with your school uniform? I like it." He grinned. I smiled and the blush I was already wearing hid my reddening cheeks. I was saved answering as the rest of the girls descended on us complaining loudly about Marlene and I leaving without them. From then it was a mad dash to finish breakfast, grab our bags, get our timetables and find our way to class.

We all had astronomy, and by the time we got to the classroom we were just on time. The professor called the register and we began. He was explaining how we would be making our own birth charts. In the middle of a very silent class my phone buzzer with a notification. "What was that peculiar noise?" Queried the professor. Discreetly, I turned my phone to silent and continued with my work.

As we were walking to our next class I turned to Lily " Do the professors not know what phones are?" I asked incredulously. Lily laughed "Course not none of the are muggle born. Most of the students here won't know what a phone is."
"What's a phone?" Asked Sirius
"See my point."
"I'll show you later, it's a muggle thing."
"Ooo, I love it when you talk dirty like that Kitten." He whispered in my ear. I laughed aloud and made my way to my next class.

By the end of the day I was incredibly tired. I hadn't understood a lot of my classes but Lily helped and the professors said I was a natural so all in all it had gone well. I was now reclining in a squishy leather armchair with a very large book and procrastinating homework.

"Kitten" Sirius Black x OC Where stories live. Discover now