the beginning- part 1

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A/n sorry I'm just editing

Central city, queen house hold- 7:30

It was a quiet night, as 14 year old Oliver queen, in his navy green blazer, white shirt green bow tie, got ready for his night at the central city Gala
Running down stairs he saw his parents and little sister already waiting for him down stairs
already waiting for him, they quickly got into the car

Oliver didn't really want to go if he was being honest with himself, and his face didn't show any different, a look that didn't go unseen by his father,

Who soon thought of something that would bring a smile to his sons face

"you know ollie if we leave the Gala a bit early we can go and visit the Allen's" his father said,

"really! I haven't seen Barry in ages"

"well if your mother is fine with it don't see why not"

, Oliver immediately turned to his mother who gave a small node with large grim on her lips.

Thea, his 10 year old sister, who had been sleeping all this while, hearing the news jumped up, startling every one "we get to meet bawwy!" Which brought laughs to the rest group

During the party all Oliver could think was "I'm going to meet Barry again"

Oliver anxiously waited for the Gala to end

Unknown to him this night would change his world forever

Central city, Allen house hold- 10:30

As Barry woke up hearing screaming he look around his room and saw the water in his fish bowl slowly rise in too the air he quickly ran down stairs "MOM! DAD ! " as he entered his living room he saw what seemed to be a storm surrounding his mother and in the storm he saw a man, before he could say or do anything, he found himself 6 blocks away from his house, at first he was in shock but then, then he start running home as fast as he could

Unknown to him

what he would find would change his world forever

Short chapter I know, sorry anyways hope you'll like it

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