killer right hook

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Time skip to a  weeks later

Starling city, Queen house hold

Even though it had been weeks since ... barry still had the nightmares, but it had started to get get easier

Today they were all getting ready for the day dreaded by every little kid 'back to school'
It had been desided that barry would go to school with Oliver, Thea, Laurel, Tommy and Sara.

Barry was a year younger than Oliver Laurel  and Tommy and a year older than Thea and Sara, and because of this he didn't have any classes with them, Luckily the queen's managed adjust Barry time table a bit so Oliver had enough time to drop barry to his classes and go to his own and even all Barry free classes lined up with Oliver, so Barry wouldn't be  alone during his free classes

And this worked for almost every day, almost, on Mondays he had a free class and Oliver didn't, so he had to spend it all alone (which gave him another reason to hate mondays) and he dreaded that day most of all, Luckily for him the first day of school was fine since it started on a Tuesday so that whole week went by pretty well he was excelling at all his classes and seemed to be liked by most teachers

But then that day came that dreaded day MONDAY

He tried to get out of going to school, but in the end he found himself and Oliver sitting on a bus with the rest next to them

As the day went by he wondered why he was dreading this day so much, but then his question was answered as free period rolled around the corner, and he found himself self sitting alone in the gym reading, since for once it was the only empty room.
Sadly for him his peace and tranquility was cut shot, as 'Adrian Chase' entered the room with his thug looking friends, he saw Barry sitting on the bleechers "hey allen, watcha reading " with a mischievous smile on his face, Barry just kept reading "hey! I'm talking to you" Adrian continued "looked I don't want any trouble I'll leave to gym if you want me too" Barry said finally look up and closing his book, Chase just laughed at this " I don't want any trouble" chase mocked Barry just packed up his stuff, chase then continued "like father like son I guess, he was a coward and so are–" his sentence was cut short tho as Barry had finally had enough, and had given him a clean punch knocking him to the ground "don't you dare talk about my father!

With Oliver,he and Tommy had just snuck out of class to go check on Barry, as they went around the corner  they saw a group of people gathered around in a circle, he and Tommy desided to check it out as they got to the center of the circle they saw Barry being held by a kid he didn't recognise and Adrian Chase punching  barry as soon as he saw what chase was doing his vision changed to red he ran at the guy holding barry punched him then grabbed ahold of Barry who seemed to be steaming mad while Tommy pulled chase away oliver looked at Barry "what happened" Oliver asked "he called my dad a coward" Barry said bluntly, oliver knoded and tried to walk away with Barry in arm, that when Chase made his biggest mistake "yeah you better run you little s–" before he could complete that sentance Barry turned and gave him a right hook, which had chase on the floor with a broken nose, every one there shoked and a small smirk playing on Oliver's face "killer right hook"
that's when they all heard those dreadfully words "Mr. Allen! Mr. Queen my office now" the principal said running in "crap" both Barry and Oliver muttered "I will take Mr. Chase to the nurses office while you two go and sit outside of my office and wait for me to come"she said
As Barry and Oliver were waiting they saw Laurel come running up to them "hey, what happened, you guys ok" she said as knelt down in front of Barry checking for any bad injuries "I'm fine, by the way" Oliver said which made Laurel turn to him and give him a look "we both are" Barry said to Laurel giving her a 'thanks' look, she then looked at them "What happened" she asked, "Adrian did the impossible, he pissed off Barry" Oliver said a smirk on his face and Laurel just looked at Barry, worry in her eyes thinking what chase could have done to piss Barry off, as of reading her mind Barry said "he called my dad a coward, said I was just like him I loost it before I knew what was happening we were in a fist fight". Laurel gave barry a sympathetic look, and as she was about to say something the principal walked in "Ms Lance I think you can go back to your class" Laurel looked back at the two then walked out
As the boys sat down across the principal
She looked at the the two of them "I have no idea what Mr Chase said and quite frankly I do not care,but nothing and I mean nothing excuses breaking a someones noes." She said, paused, waited to see if they said anything then continued "I have called your parents they will be here soon, and I am sorry to say but, Mr Allen there's a high chance you will be suspended or even worse expelled." Both Barry and Oliver looked to the ground "now both of you will wait in room 8-A
(A/N for those of you who didn't get  that it's a fun way of saying B.A which is Barrys initials) till your parents come"she said, as Barry and Oliver left the room Barry mumbled "guardians" thinking no one would have heard, but Oliver did, he chose talk about it later since barry wasn't in a good mood

A Thunder Struck Alien (a zor-queen story with a twist) On Short BreakWhere stories live. Discover now