the day off (part 1)

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Star city, queen mansion

The next day was pretty boring for Barry , as there were no new cases so Barry had the day off, he tried going to the bunker but he was stoped by Laurel and Felicity who told him to go  back home, he tried to protest "but what if Felicity needs help with the fil–" "Barry, Felicity is the best hacker in the world, I'm sure she's got this, besides didn't I tell you no playing vigilante today" Laurel said, pushing Barry into the lift, "that's ridiculous, have you met all the hackers in the world, also you said tonight not today"
"Goodbye Barry"
And so here Barry was, laying on his bed, bored out of his mind, that was until
"Hey barr which should I wear tonight blue or red"Thea said walking
"SHIT" Barry said getting up in a panic, running to his cupboard "I just wanted your opinion, Sheesh" she says, walking up to him, as he slowly slumped down on the ground giving up "what happened did the barr barr get a boo boo" she says in a baby voice  sitting down next to him
"I don't have anything formal to wear too the gala thingy" Barry said blankly,
"Im sure there's something, I mean your wardrobe is basically full of shirts, I'm sure there's a suit in here somewhere" she says going through his clothes,
"there's nothing here, how is there Nothing here" she says baffled, Barry just shrugs
"How do you not have a suit, I mean what about the other galas or events"
"Ive never never gone"barry said plainly
"you've not– What about the one you wore for dad funeral"she asked "
too small" he said
"Come on"  she say draging him to Oliver's room
She pushes the door open, pushes Barry onto a chair
"sit"and walks to Oliver's cupboard
Oliver who had been sleeping on his bed reading looks at the two of the "oh hi barry hi Thea, sure, come right  in"
Thea glares at him "we have a crisis on our hands , our brother has not one suit. How again do you not have a suit, do tell "
"Ive never really gone for any" barry say, scratching the back of his neck,
" Which is the part I don't get weren't you there for , No no hmmm... You were there at that.... No no... What about ....., You really haven't been to any of them"she says 
"Did you know about this" she asks oliver, "yup, Barrys not really the gala type"
"Grrrrr, why am I always the last to know!" she asks frustrated, to which both Barry and Oliver raises their hand
"it was a rhetorical question! Where are your old suits" she asks Oliver getting annoyed
"Donated" Oliver says shrugging,
To which Thea almost screames
"I need a moment" she says walking out,
after she walks out Oliver turns to Barry
"Soooo.... Why are you going" he asks
"Laurel... Got me to go" Barry said
"So she black mailed you" before Barry could answer Thea burst back in
" Ok you with me" she says pointing to Barry
" I've called in the big guns, we're getting a into tux" she said dragging out by his collar
Causing Barry to send pleading glances at a laughing Oliver

It was only after they exited the house did Barry realise "wait a minute, I'm a trained vigilante, why am I letting you pull me around" he said escaping Thea's grasp, and tried to walk away
Key word being tried

Thea grabbed him by the ear, and proceeded to push him into the passengers seat of the jeep parked out front
"Because I'm a trained Sister who can, and will ,kick your ass If you don't sit there quietly" she scolded
"Point taken, mom" he the last part in a mumble,
To which Thea gave him a glare that could kill
"Shuting up now"he quickly said.
"This is going to be a longggg day" Barry thought to himself

Star city, star mall

Across the city some one else wasnt having luck with their out fit either "Lois you didn't have to come all the way to star, just to find me a dress" kara said, quite annoyed that she was being dragged through the mall from one clothes shop to the next,
"Nonsense, this is fun" Lois said, too excited to catch on to the exasperated face kara had on "besides, I'm still going to that gala at Queen manor and get a exclusive"Lois said tossing a few dresses into Kara's hands, "don't you mean going to try to get into the gala and  try and get a exclusive" Kara asked,
"Nope I'm getting in because no one stops Lois Lane, Smallville tried to, failed, But tried", "clark tried to stop you " she asked, quite baffled that Clark had it in him
"Yup, Smallville is full of surprises"she said laughing
"Ok now take these, go in there and try them on" she said pushing more clothes into Kara's hand, then pushing Kara into the changing
"Grrrr, finee" Kara said
"This is going to be a longgg day"she mumbled, as she tried the first dress on

Back with Barry, he Thea, Laurel and Felicity entered the mall
"You guys really didn't all have to come"
"Well actually, we did, we can't let you  pick a suit it would have been a disaster" Thea said, making Barry glare at her
"Besides, the five of us are happy to help" Felicity added,
"Well I– wait did you say five" Barry said perplexed
"Yup John's coming too"Laurel said, asif it were a given
"Wait John asin John Diggle ?"Barry asked, getting even more confused
"How many other Johns do you know" Thea asked rolling her eyes
"John Smith that really strange man we met" Felicity said , "John Jones that guy from the Deo "Barry added, "John–"Barry and Felicity were  cut of from their 'John' off by an annoyed Thea and Laurel who covered their mouths
"Ok! We get it, you'll know alot of John's" Laurel said
"But why is John coming"Barry asked when Laurel left him
"Because, even I know that every grown man needs a suit"John said, sneaking up behind Barry, making him jump
After laughing a bit ,Thea said
"Ok huddle up, now here's the plan, Laurel, you take him first take him any where and every where, find him a good shoes, we'll work up from there , Felicity your on shoes and watches, I'll find a shirt and trouser and dig will get him a suit"every one nodded taking this a bit to seriously, much to Barrys dismay, which obviously he voiced
"Don't you guys think you'll are taking  this a bit to seriously", but after receiving a straight face  "no" from every one , including Felicity which surprised him the most, because he didn't know she could, he shut up

And so he was dragged through the entire mall atleast five times, he finally had a good suit, so, he and the rest all went the food court to buy icecream, that was, until something or rather someone caught Barrys eye
"Is that..... Hold my spot" he said to Felicity, as he ran, toward a certain blonde,
bumping into an unknowing brunette , who looked like she would have fired him, if she didn't see the worry in his eyes as he kept running,
but as he was about to reach the blond, a hand grabbed him by sholders
"hey barr, where are you running of to" Tommy asked, but Barry barely heard him as he looked around for the girl that he thought he saw, 'but that should be impossible she should be dead.... I'll have to talk to him about this' he thought
"Barry, Barry, bud you ok" he was brought out of his thoughts by Tommy
"Hmm, yeah I'm fine, I just thought I saw... Nevermind, let's head back to the rest"  he said eyes still wandering around to see if he actually saw who he thought he did
As they reached the others again he saw Felicity, holding not only two icecreams but also a worried look on her face
"I'm fine" Barry says, stoping her before she could ask "I just thought I saw an old friend", the word friend ringing in his head, Felicity was about to ask, before she was interrupted by Barry, who seemed to want to change the topic of conversation
"You know I just realised that we could have just gone to Tommys house"Barry said, causing both Laurel , Felicity and Thea to face palm, and Diggle to start chuckling

As Kara walked up to a rather worried looking Lois staring off into the distance, she couldn't help but following her line of sight , only to see a group of people with two men with their backs facing kara
"Penny for your thoughts" kara asked shifting her gaze back to Lois
"Hmmm... No it was nothing just... Nevermind let go, you got your dress right"  Lois said still looking towards the group
"Yup, let's head out" she said
Sending one last glance at the group they left

A/N ok soo I would have made this a longer chapter but I realised I was talking too long to upload so I've split this chapter
the next one will come out soon promise
Also since this is my first fan fic I wouldn't mind constructive criticism

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