the beginning part - two

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Allen neighborhood hood- 11:00 

As the car pulled into the  neighbourhood they saw police cars sorounding the house the car park a little further back " stay in the car kids I'll go see what's going on" Robert said, Oliver wanted to protest and get out uof the car but knew better.
As Robert walked up to the house he saw Henry Allen being brought out, on a stretcher  "Henry what's going on who did this to you" Henry only now realising his friends arrival said "something came into our house it..." his voice breaking his eyes tearing up "it killed Nora" chocking on his words and then stabbed me leaving just as soon as it came" he paused for a second  "Robie I need you to find barry that thing it took him... Somewhere " Robert froze hearing this "I'll do everything thing I can to find him old friend... I swe.." before he could continue a little Barry Allen ran past him "DAD DAD, WHAT HAPPENED WHERES MOM!" His eyes bawling with tears "Barry, son ,your ok" tears of joy in his eyes " listen to me son go home with Robert, and whatever you do don't go in the house
!" After that he fell fair, barry, not heeding his fathers warning, wanting to see his mother ran into the house before Robert could stop him.

Robert after getting his barrings gave chase, entering the he saw barry  kneeling on the ground infront of a white tarp, he walked up to barry placing his hand on the young boys shoulder "barry, son, we should go" barry didn't say a word he just stood up, and together they walked past the police and walked to the car
Robert open the door and Oliver and Thea made space for Barry, Oliver tok of his jacket and and placed it on Barrys sholders, Barry suddenly feeling the warmth of the jacket pulled it closer to himself,
Thea not understanding what was going on, seeing barry like this just gave him a warm hug pulling barry in close and stayed that way until they reached the house making their way inside
Oliver took Barry upstairs and ushered him to the guest bedroom, then left the room, to comeback back with a fresh set of clothes clothes, he then then sat on the bed and waited for Barry to have his shower
He zoned out for a while thinking about what happened that night, he was brought out of his daze by the sound of a crash, that came from the bathroom, he ran in – luckily the door wasn't locked, he saw barry on the floor in his new pijamas on the floor,he was crying bitterly he knelt down picked barry up and placed him on the bed, Barry continued crying till he finally fell asleep Oliver covered him with a blanket and stepped out of the room.

He walked down stairs to see his parents talking in the living room, he smiled seeing his sister curled up and was fast asleep
As he walked up to his parents he heard the on going conversation "I think it would be best for us to take him in, I mean I know we aren't his lagal guardians but their all the way in coast city" said his mother " I agree, it's not like we don't have the room" his mother agreed " and if am going to be honest that boy like family" she continued "then it's settled Barry is staying with us " Oliver said catching his parents by surprise, as they hadn't realised he had been standing there, and from the couch Thea shouted "yay" stiring out of her sleep just to catch the end of the conversation for the second time that night and then fell right back to sleep
Oliver smiled at his little sister and carried her up stairs

The next day

Barry woke up in a room, he recognised to be one at the Queen's central city estate, suddenly he recalled the events of the previous night, He started to tear up.
Thea who had been walking downstairs, heard heard the crying from his room, slowly opening the door and seeing Barry crying bitterly ran up and hugged him. At first he was starteled, but then huwwwegged her back, they sat like that for a few moments, then she let go and looked at him she wiped a tear with her tumb and said "it's going to get better" he looked at her and said " I know I just really miss them" he said "well if you need to talk about it am right across the hall" giving barry a small smile which barry returned, Thea then walked out returning a second later "oh and there are day clothes on the dresser" then she left
After Barry finished getting dressed he made his way down stairs, to see everyone already there sitting at the dining room, with Robert at the head of the table, moira to his right oliver to his left and Thea next to her mother, he walked up to the table ruffled Thea's hair and walked up and sat next to oliver "thank you for letting me stay here" "you are always welcome to stay with us Barry" Moira said fixing a grumpy Thea's hair, Barry gave her a small smile
as the meal continued there was knock at the door, after a short conversation unheard by the the group a butler walked in the room"master queen, master Allen, there are two officers at the door for you" he said barry stood up and silently walked out Robert following suit, at the door the were two police menn, one he recognised as one of his his best friends father "Joe what's going on is my father ok, is he–" barry was cut of mid sentence " barry, son I'm sorry but ur father has passed " Barrys eyes started to water he couldn't even ask if they had cought the man in the storm lucky for him Robert spoke up "have you cought the man who did it or at least have any leads" "we believe we have the man who did it" a look of guilt and sadness enveloping his face as he looked at Barry and then continued "we believe your father.... Killed her and then proceeded with killing himself due to the guilt....." Both Barry and Robert were in shock " thats impossible Henry loved her and Barry  more than anything in the world " Robert spoke up "he didn't do it my dad didn't do it I know it"Barry then stated " I know it's hard but–" he was cut of by Barry "I know he didn't do it there.. there was this storm inside the house there was a man in it he... he did it... I know it sounds impossible but I swear it's the truth" his voice shaking, Joe look at him with pity in his eyes " I'm sorry for your lose " was all he said and turned to leave " someone will have to collect the belonging" he said then got into the car with his partner and left Barry and Robert walked inside, barry turned to Robert "you believe me right" Robert looked at him "in the impossible.... Always "barry  smiled and they made their way back inside

That evening
They were all in the living room having a tea time snack, Moira looked at Barry and said "Barry we've been thinking and well..." She look at Robert for assistance and he continued for her "Barry we wanted to know if instead of you going to live with your guardians in Midvale* if you'd want to stay with us in starling city, you could go to school we ollie, Thea, Laurel, Sara and Tommy and maybe on the holidays you can come back here to visit" Barrys face lit up he wasn't very close with his guardians, and well the Queens were like family to him in every way other than blood "of it's no problem.... I'd love too" oliver smiled and Thea jumped and hugged Barry tackling him to the ground  "it's going to be like a forever sleepover" hugging him, Barry just chuckled, he would miss all his friends here but, being away from this city would do him some good

*I'm makeing the Danvers his actual guardians and who know I might make that another story we'll see
So what do you guys think so far there won't be much kara or superflash or Karry for atleast another chapter I'm still doing his backstory
Word count : 1439

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