Chapter 4

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I sighed and looked at my watch 2:50 I groaned. "I'm bored." I complained Blank looked at me. "Look..." He took a breath. "We're trying to figure this out and we can't go any faster, so for now can't you just be quiet." Blank said getting annoyed, I suddenly got tired. "Blank... it's happening... again." then I passed out.


I opened my eyes expecting black but I was in a white area I turned around and no one was there I heard loud obnoxious laughter. I looked all around. "Who's there!?" I asked forgetting about earlier for a moment then Mary manifested out of nowhere, she was wearing boots and some jeans and had a green crop-top and a leather jacket. She was walking towards me while speaking. "Who I am is not important." She said stopping in front of me "Why are you here?" "To destroy." "Destroy what?"  He stepped closer and I stepped  back. "Destroy those you care for." Then she broke into a fit of laughter I began to run without stopping and suddenly I couldn't move I could only turn around.

Then long chains began to manifest around my wrists to the ground and Mary grinned evilly. "Stop! Please! Don't come any closer!" She laughed again "You will never control me child!" She burst into more laughter . "Please, Mary, stop..." I began to cry and a chain cuff formed around my neck and to the floor this chain was also long and I cried more. Mary paused then chuckled. "Foolish girl, you're gonna end up just like me." Then I spoke. "You're wrong! I'll never be anything like you!" Then heard Blank's voice. "Y/n! Wake up!." I turned around and saw a screen and it showed Blank. "That's my cue to leave." Mary said and she snapped her fingers and I suddenly fell to the ground weak and hurt I was then forced to watch what Mary was doing while controlling me.

Blank's POV

I shook Y/n hoping she'd wake up when she opened her eyes I gasped and dropped her and stepped back her eyes were bright green they almost looked like they could glow in the dark and she smiled. "hello Blank" "Mary get out of her." She thought for a moment then spoke. "Oh? Why should I?" she giggled and grabbed Y/n's purse and pulled out a knife. "Good thing this is here." I gulped 'oh shit'

Y/n's pov

I stood up despite the pain and went over to the screen I couldn't quite reach but I yanked and tugged on them violently eventually they broke at the middle I ran to the screen and touched the glass like surface and I saw Mary pull out my knife and I screamed and begged her to stop and not to hurt him and I had tears streaming down my  face which effected our physical being and she had tears now and she chuckled. "Y/n.. you foolish girl." She charged at Blank but he dodged and the blade went into the wall the other animatronics came into the room and Mary pulled the knife out of the wall and swung the knife. "Mary's controlling her!" Blank shouted all of the animatronics took note of this and Mary grabbed a crowbar and threw the knife at Candy. 

I banged on the screen barely doing anything I punched and kicked it and it cracked. and Mary stopped for a moment grabbing her chest and since we were linked together we both coughed up blood. "Y/n, you foolish girl you're hurting both of us!!" The animatronics stared for a moment realizing what I was doing. "I don't care anymore Mary!" I punched and kicked at it more causing more cracks. and me and Mary coughed up more blood and the cuts from the glass began to bleed and it showed in reality that I was going through hell right now, Mary now had her hands on her knees blood dripping off her lip she wiped it off and tried to attack them again. I pounded in the glass again we both coughed blood but I didn't stop until both me and Mary where lying on the ground blood all over our arms and our hands were bleeding we were both weak but I stayed determined. "I- ngh" I panted "Will.. be strong.." I said my voice was raspy and I stood up and pounded on the glass on last time.

(A/n: I know what you're thinking. 'Why so gorey all of a sudden' well this was just step one of Mary's plan but she really didn't think you'd do what you did. Not even caring what it did to you.but on thing is for sure, you are a tough girl who won't be pushed around by some ghost)

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