chapter nine

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Another dull school day. I was currently in Tanners' boring ass class. I tuned out his droning as I thought of the shit I needed to hurry up and get done.

"Miss. Bennett, are you paying attention?" I didn't reply. I figured she was talking to Bonnie, who was sitting with Matt and Elena.

"Ororo, Tanners' calling you!" Caroline whispered.

I rolled my eyes; christ, they're going to get stuck like this as much as I roll them here.

"You really should be more specific on which Bennett you're calling on. As you can see, there's two of us." God, Damon needs to hurry and kill this guy. He's been nothing but a pain in my ass during school. I swear he has it out for me.

"I'm sorry, Miss. Bennett, am I boring you?"

I gave him a deadpanned look, "I'm five seconds from falling asleep. Your voice is mind-numbing, and you keep repeating the same crap. We all know about the comet of doom that's supposed to pass by. It's been repeated by everyone for the past two weeks." I was hoping he'd kick me out of class. This isn't my first rodeo with History, and half this shit he's teaching isn't worth anything. All he does is spout crap about this shitty ass town.

"Out. GET OUT, BENNETT!" Tanner yelled, pointing to the door.

SCORE! That was all it took for him to kick me out? I should do it more often until Alaric comes around.

Caroline snickers as I head towards the door.

"Do you want to follow your little friend, Miss. Forbes?"

I heard shuffling, and Caroline appeared beside me. "Don't mind if I do. See you, Tanner."

"Your place?" She questions as we loop arms, leaving the class.



"Mama, I'm home!" I called out as Caroline, and I stepped inside my house.

"In the den!" She replied. We placed our backpacks on the floor by the door, taking off our shoes as well. Heading towards the den, I saw Kol standing beside my dad, who was sitting in his recliner, watching television.

Just what the ever-loving fuck was he doing? I sent him a glare as his eyes met my gaze.

"Your father is quite entertaining! Why are you home so early? Last time I checked, you were in that wanker, Tanner's class at this time." Kol questions.

"Hey, Ma. Daddy." I kissed both of their cheeks before sitting on the couch with Caroline.

"Hi, Mr. & Mrs. Bennett." Caroline greeted.

Dad rolled his eyes, "Caroline, Honey, you might as well call us Mom and Dad. Now, what are you two doing home so early?"

"Tanner kicked us out of class..."

Dad scoffs. "That asshole shouldn't be a teacher. I told Annie he was still holding a grudge from high school."

Mama sips from her teacup. "He'll be dealt with soon enough, Titus. Now, Tomorrow is the night of the comet. The last time it passed, Mystic Falls suffered. Much carnage and death. It's known as a sign of impending doom."

Caroline and I trade glances.

"What are you going to do about it, Ororo?"

"My plan is simple: mind my business, take back my ancestors' grimoire, talisman, and destroy the tomb of twenty-six vampires. Maybe fool Damon Salvatore into thinking I'll help him rescue his poor dear, Katherine. Beyond that, nothing else concerns me."

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