A Close Encounter - Part One(Michael & Michael)

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This is my first ever boyxboy of anything. I have been shipping this for a long time so I thought i would use my imagination. This is a ship based on 2 real people. If you are one of the 2... You knew this was coming... The Michaels ship is real and yes they are both called Michaels.

I also have another story the weight of my shoulders which I try to update every Friday

shoutout to my best friend @_finn_ who gave me the inspiration and storyline. You should check out his story Emerald Green Eyes. Its a great read :)

Enjoy the shipping of The Michaels

Michael F P.O.V

I see him every day roaming the halls but I've never had the courage to go up to him and have a simple conversation. It's a bit complicated. You see I'm gay. For Michael. You may not see this as a problem but he would never accept me he's as straight as a pole. So I don't try. I hide instead. I am comfortable staying in the closet as I am so far in that I live in Narnia with Aslan for a best friend. I would never admit it out loud. I have never even met him face to face, until that chance encounter.

Michael Mc P.O.V

I always catch him looking when he thinks I can't see. It used to creep me out. Although he never has even tried to have a conversation with me. Am I that scary? The only thing I know about him is that he shares the same name as me, that's it. He is also really small and cute compared to my massive height. But I didn't know what fate had in store for me.

Michael F P.O.V

I was walking through the halls like every other day scanning for my knight. I was early today and hoped I would see him earlier than usual. My mind wanders to him. I wonder what it would be like to feel those lips of his on mine. For him to wrap me up in those long arms of his. To feel him against me. My brain starts to wonder to places it shouldn't be. No brain don't go there... SMACK! I find myself smacking into a hard surface and before I know it my butt hits the floor. Ouch that hurt...

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

I hear a voice say from far above me.

Michael Mc P.O.V

I was on my way to class when I see a familiar flop of brown hair coming towards me. He's do into his own thoughts when he suddenly smashes right into me. It doesn't affect me because I am so tall, but it sends him flying right onto his butt, before I have the time to catch him in my arms. That must've hurt real bad. He seems dazed and confused. I probably should ask him if he is okay...

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

He looks up at me with those sparkling green eyes and a blush makes its way up his neck. He doesn't give me an answer. He suddenly seems interested in his shoes. Aww he's so cute when he's embarrassed. Wait... did I really just think that?? To distract myself I ask again

"Are you okay?"

I hear a faint mumble of a yes and I assume he mustn't have fallen that hard. Thank god he's okay. I'm about to walk away when oh shit he's still on the floor. I walk back towards him and offer him my hand. He gazes at it unsure if he should take it.

"Do you need a hand?" I offer politely. After still looking unsure he takes my hand. And suddenly I feel shocks up my arm and have a sudden urge to kiss him...

Michael F P.O.V

I was in total meltdown mode. My brain couldn't process what was happening. For all the people in this god forsaking school and it had to be him. I wish the ground would just swallow me up whole right about now. After ne meltdown I realise I still haven't even answered him... god this just keeps getting worse. I hear him ask me again and I mumble a faint yes. He is about to turn around and leave when he must've realise I was still on the floor. He gives me a sheepish smile and offers his hand. I can feel the tension between us. I stare at it for what must be eternity when he asks me

"Do you need a hand?"

After snapping out of it I grasp his hand and ignore the sparks that fly up my arm and hoist myself up off the floor. I finally find the courage to lift my gaze to him. He's staring at me like he wants to kiss me... that's impossible... no that can't be right. I must be dreaming. Especially when he leans in those green eyes staring back at me and he crashes his lips to mine in a mind-blowing kiss. I am on cloud 9...

Michael Mc P.O.V

I don't know why I just kissed him. It just felt right. It starts to get a little heated when I it comes to my attention that were still in the middle of the school hallway. I quickly pull apart our lips as he's just about to give a small moan. I quieten him down by pinching his lips. I could feel a certain tension around us. I was sure that wasn't there before. Maybe it was fate.

"Did that really just happen" he asks me as he stares at me in astonishment.

"Yeahh it just did" I was still amazed myself... I just kissed a boy. A BOY! And a cute one at that... the tension which was now forming between us was unbearable. I had to do something about that... but I couldn't not here... in the middle of the school hallway anyone could see. So I chose the next best thing and drag him by the hand to the janitor's closet.

Michael F P.O.V

As he drags me off to somewhere I'm able to stutter out. The tension is so thick it could be cut with a knife.

"W-where are y-y-you taking me-e?"

That's when I see it come into view. The janitor's closet. A well-known cliché for things such as this. But at this moment I simply couldn't care. The boy I had had a crush on for so long had just kissed me. ME of all people. And now he possibly wanted to do more. Damn it was all my dreams coming true at once. I had to pinch myself just to make sure.

He hauls us both into the closet and with a sense of urgency brings his lips to crash against mine. This time it's an open mouthed kiss. Our tongues fight for dominance. Just as I'm about to give the loudest moan... the door to the closet suddenly swings open... damn I guess he forgot the most important part was to actually lock the door.

Time to come out of Narnia then...

well that was my first try at a boyxboy let me know what you think and I will consider writing more. Maybe a bigger the Michaels story? Who knows?

Also check out my other story titled Weight on my shoulders. That I try to update weekly.

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