Our Circle

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Don't we all love that friend circle. One may call it 'The Holy Circle', where everything is open and bare and secrets are shared. Filled with laughs, arguments and discussions.

Being in a friend circle is like having an insurance, you know that whenever you're down or sad, the circle will always have you your back. For girls, it's the place where we talk about our crush and squeal together, where we talk about our celebrity bias, where we share and gain knowledge.

Our Circle which by the way, have a name and we call ourselves M.S.R meaning Masquerade because it sounded cool and mysterious since its basically means mask and masks makes people mysterious or in the present case, provide protection from COVID-19.

We were a rather odd group because two of them are a die hard fan of k-pop and the other two i.e. Rin and myself were otakus aka anime fans and one was a mix of both, a k-pop fan and an anime fan, you see, we're perfectly balanced.

We were a small circle consisting of five people, wait it's a fairly big circle, anyway we each choose a nickname which we use to save the others contact info so I'll be using those nickname in the introduction, well here we go:

First of all, let's start with me, hehe😅. My nickname was and still is W.WITCH meaning Wicked Witch because i was the most wicked and also during those times i had a fascination for witches, well not those green terrifying ugly witches, but more like a pretty animated witches and mostly because i really love their pointy hats and flying broom and also the wands. My friends told me that the witch really suits me well because i can imitate the laugh of an evil witch really well😁. I was the most outgoing one in our group even though i considered myself introverted and not so outgoing (you can imagine how introverted our group was). And i was the one who causes trouble with other groups because no matter how lowkey our group was, we didn't escape criticism from the Queen bees and i wasn't really the type to keep quiet and move on so i always throw back a remark which means the truth about them and they do really hate that, ahhh, good times. Also i admit, i was really a bitch to them too. But unfortunately because of my actions, they turned to my friends since i don't give them any reaction to satisfy them when they teased me. And let's just say, i yelled/threatened them for the whole class to hear when they came to disrupt our peaceful afternoon break by teasing my friends with their nagging voice. (note:- that morning, i told QB1 that she would qualify for a low class actress because she was fake crying and bragging that she would make a terrific actress and of course she went to the other bees to regroup) and because of my outburst, the others who were in the classroom during breaks told the others and the class was secretly rooting for me😅 (AN- just bragging). So yeah, well i was the most outgoing one and also the fiercest one especially after i argued with our math teacher.

Next one is RIN, the one i mentioned in the past chapters. I first met her when i was about 7 or 8 years old when she moved in our neighbourhood. I didn't really get to know her until she joined our school about a year after she moved here and even then, we just kinda know each other and also because her mother knows me since i would use to buy pan from them. Her mother asked me to look after her because she was gonna be new at school and to help her adjust. Well she already gained more friends in a year than i did for five years of going in that school. She has a nice personality and easy to be with. We became closer when she falls in a diarrhoea and couldn't come to school, so i would inform her of the home works and give her the notes that we took in class. Then we started going home together and then we became even closer when we discovered anime and then an unbreakable bond was formed. She would listen to me without complaints when i talked about my crush and although she did complain a bit when i dragged her along with me to secretly follow my crush home (yeah, i was a bit of a stalker), she would still go with me, even when she had nightmares of the graveyard we use to pass on the way home after stalking my crush. I really admire her because if i were her, i won't stick around with my over dramatic self for long. And also, one thing I'm so jealous about her that i never told her is that, she can write down notes really fast and her memory is really good, so Rin, if you're reading this, just know that i will never ever try to by heart a note with you again because you always got it so fast and thank you for copying my IT notes for me,I'll treat you a nice meal when this pandemic is over, along with our board exams and also when I'm not broke.

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