💖Chp. 1💖

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It's been about a week that my younger brother went to my school and so far he seems fine. I mean he doesn't really have friends their more like acquaintances but I mean at least he getting along with them.

Due to Kokichi transitioning from a boy to a girl, people did not like that so he was constantly being bullied. He never told anyone he was dealing with it on his own. How didn't I notice it I'm his older brother I'm supposed to protect him.

I only found out after my uncle went to the school and got Kokichi a transfer to my school. That's good and all but even now he still looks sad or annoyed all the time I just want to see him happy like he used to be. But he won't let me in so I'll stay on the outside and wait for him.

No matter what happens I will always be by his side and prot- "Hey Shuichi were you listening" I look to my side to see a man with purple hair sticking up and a jacket loosely hanging on his shoulders. "O-oh sorry Kaito" he was my best friend Kaito Momota.

"Anyways I was talking about how the stars are so wonderful and beautiful just like a certain someone I know" Kaito said looking to his side to see a girl with long brown in two low pigtails. That was my other friend Maki Harukawa and Kaito's crush ever since freshman year. She was looking to the side observing the students walking into the building.

She turned to look at us "Sorry I wasn't listening. What did you say?" Maki said. Ouch that's gotta sting. Kaito doesn't really flirt a lot and when he does it's obvious and cheesy. I still don't get how Maki doesn't know.

"Oh I just finished talking about the stars that's it" Kaito said, what a brave man he just made an excuse in order to leesen the blow. "Didn't you say your brother was coming here? Shuichi" Maki asked looking at me. "Yeah he is but he's two years younger than me" "So he's in the freshman class" Maki said and then she went back to observing the students.

The bell started to ring "Hurry up guys or we're gonna be late for class!" Kaito yelled while running. I ran behind him and after a few minutes we made it to homeroom. We immediately went to our seats to see no one there. "WHAT THE?!?! Why is no one here?" Kaito said "Because that wasn't the late bell" Maki said now just walking into the classroom.

"What do you mean?" I ask her. "You forgot?" She asked us we both just nodded our heads. She sighs and then speaks "Before we left there was an announcement that there gonna be testing the bells today" Maki said Oh that right they did say that I was too focused on trying to walk home with Kokichi to remember.

We heard footsteps by the door well more like stomping since the we're running and then the classroom door busted open. "I'm not late am I?" A boy said. He had green wavy hair and and green eyes. UGH it's Rantaro Amami, aka an avacado, aka my nemesis.

He looks around the classroom his eyes immediately landing on me he smirks and saunters over to me. "Well well well isn't it my favorite e-boy" Rantaro says smirking "I'm not an e-boy you rotten avocado" I say. He looks at me kinda shocked "I am not rotten" Rantaro said "You didn't deny the fact your an avocado" I said.

"Well people love avocados and girls tell me they love the way I taste" he says smirking "You know you don't have to shove it in everyone's face that your a man whore" I say now he looks shocked and angry "I'm not a man whore I'm just saying girls love me and that I already losty virginity" he says.

"You know honestly I don't care" "How dare you, your just jealous that I'm jumping girls left-to-right" he says I cough and say man whore under my breath. He looked at me pissed but he won't do anything since Maki and Kaito is here. The bell ring signaling for class he just went to his seat immediately.


After a few minutes students came pouring into the classroom.

                        Time Skip

Finally lunchtime I start walking out of the classroom to the rooftop. I see Maki and Kaito already there eating and talking. I come over and sit down, they both turn to me "What?" I ask "Oh nothing it's just tha-" " Your fighting with Rantaro way too much" Maki says interrupting Kaito "Yeah sidekick I'm worried that your gonna get into a fist fight with him one day" he says "I'm fine I'm not gonna fist fight him just punch him with words" I say.

They both looked at each other worry written all over there face and the they turn back to look at me "Ok" they both said. I started to eat my lunch meanwhile Kaito started to rant about space again.

Now that I think about it me and Rantaro are always fighting ever since we were in second grade together. Our rivalry's are so infamous people made a chart to see which one if us is better.


SHUICHI: Intelligent, Kind, Runs fast, Kinda hot, Always there to help
RANTARO: Smart(2nd to Shuichi), Athletic, Hot, Always gets girls, Not a virgin

But there's always something that stops us from one-uping each other. So we've just been trying to be better than each other while still maintaining our social lives.

                    Time Skip again

Just one more class than I can go home and protect Kokichi. "Okay students were going to have a group project" The teacher said "awwwww" everyone said "Ah no complaining and anyways your doing this in partners and, before you guys go to your friends I'm picking the partners" she said now everyone is just sad and annoyed I am angry I like working alone it's much more easier. She started listing names I wasn't paying attention since it didn't hear my name yet

"And lastly Shuichi and Rantaro" she said "WHAT!?!" Rantaro and me shouted out and jumped from our desks . "What do you mean what you two are working together" she said "But I can't work with him" we both said pointing to each other. "I don't care about some stupid rivalry you have, it's either work together or get a zero on this project, that I might add is 60% of your grade" she said.

We both just huffed and sat back down "Thank you so the project is about how the Germans treated Jews and how it impacted the Jews?" She said and then walked around the class handing out rubrics.

After her explaining everything we have to do the bell finally rang. I packed all my stuff up and started to proceed to the door when I got pulled back. I look to see who it was and it was Rantaro. "Look I really don't want to work with you" he said "Likewise" "But I don't want a bad grade and I'm sure you don't want one either?" He said I nod my head "So how about we just do half of the project today and tomorrow and then go our separate ways" he said he out his hand out and I shake it.

"So is your room clean?" Rantaro asks "Were not going to MY house were going to yours" I say "Oh sorry no can do we'll be interrupted" he says "By who?' "By girls who wants this d" he says pointing to it "I don't believe you" I say "Fine fine let's just go to my house get interrupted by girls who knows where my house is and taking a lot of time to get them away only for them to come back and-" "Okay I get we'll go to my house" he smiled as we started to leave the classroom and walk to my place.

Kokichi should already be home and in his room since when he gets home he immediately locks himself in there and he runs home since he doesn't want to be seen with me. If Kokichi just stays in his room all day which he will we'll be fine. Oh right my room I don't want Rantaro in it especially with all of the posters in it. "We're going to be working on the living room since there's more space" I say "Okie Dokie"

Finally at my house I get my keys out of my bag and start to open the door. Let's hope nothing will happen.

(A/N: Woohoo another chapter out and thank you for your support on this book it helps me a lot with what I'm going through and this book is me kinda venting. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and you have a good day/night)

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