Meet and greet

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Things to know:
Y/n ~ your name
Bsf/n ~ your best friend's name
(Also pretend like Duke still lives in Utah)
You're 19, as well as Duke

Author POV.

You and your best friend are scrolling through tiktok when you come across one of Duke's new videos. "Oh my gosh! Bsf/n, look!" "What now Y/n?" They roll their eyes. You get up and walk over to where Bsf/n is sitting. You lean down to show them Duke's new tiktok. The caption reads "I'm finally big enough to have a meet and greet! First location is my home town! See y'all tomorrow!" Your best friend begins to get excited, but not as excited as you. You were practically jumping up and down, as to the fact that you all live in Salt Lake City. You and your best friend always joke about the slim chance of running into him at the store, but now you may actually get to meet him.

Your POV.

I am overjoyed! I can't believe that I'll actually get to meet Duke! I get up to look for an outfit to wear tomorrow to the meet and greet. Bsf/n looks at me like I'm a crazy person. "What?" I ask with slight attitude. "You're trying to look hot for Duke tomorrow, aren't you?" "What no." You look down, feeling a bit embarrassed that they caught you. You finally get over the embarrassment and continue to look for an outfit. You settle with some washed skinny jeans with rips along the front. Along with a "haha, yeah" hoodie and some black Converse. You decide not to wear a shirt under because it will be chilly out.

Author's POV.

Bsf/n heads home at around 5pm. That gives you enough time to hop in the shower before dinner. As you turn the water off, you hear your phone go off. You look at it and see Bsf/n. You answer, not wanting to be rude. "What time do you want to meet before the meet and greet tomorrow ?" They ask. "How's 8am?" You both agree and hang up. You quickly throw on some sweatpants and a tank top. As you head down stairs, your phone goes off again. "Lord." You think. "What do they need now?"
You love Bsf/n, but sometimes they get on your nerves. You almost pass out when you see the notification. "Dukedepp_ tagged you in a photo." You quickly look at the post and almost faint. "Finally found your insta. I've seen you around town and wanted to know if you are coming to the meet and greet😊" You quickly replied with "Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world😌." As you are waiting for the adrenaline to go down, you walk to the kitchen to make some Frank and Beans. It was what your mom always made before she passed when you were 15. Your dad was never around much, so you went to live with your grandma who passed away last year. "Shit," you say under your breath. You were out of hotdogs, so you had to eat something else. You settle for macaroni and cheese, hoping you wouldn't wake up bloated.
After dinner, you clean up and head to bed. It was only 7:30, but you wanted to watch some Netflix. You decide to watch Pirates of the Caribbean. As you begin watching the movie, you realize Duke had started to follow you on Instagram. After instantly getting butterflies, you plug in your phone and go to sleep.

The next morning~ (Your POV.)

I wake up to my alarm. It is 6am. I wanted to give myself enough time to get ready. I wake up and instantly hop in the shower. Usually I would lay in bed for like half and hour, but today I am motivated. I am ready to face the world and meet Duke Depp. After my shower, I blow dry my hair and apply some light makeup. It is now 7am. I get dressed and decide to leave my short wavy hair down. Letting it flow heavenly on my shoulders. I was pretty much ready, so I asked Bsf/n if they wanted to meet earlier. They replied with sure, and we met at Starbucks. The meet and greet would be held in the park, since it was a nice day out, which was good since Starbucks was only 5 minutes away from the location. As I order my coffee, I look over to see Bsf/n sitting at a table waiting for me. "Took you long enough." They said. "Haha, sorry the line was long." I jokingly apologized. It was now 8am. "Oh my gosh. Look bitch look. You'll never believe who just walked in." I turned around to see Duke standing in the door way. Next thing I know, he waved at me! Duke Depp just waved at me! I casually waved back, hoping to hide the anxiety that was building inside of me. I notice that when Duke gets his drink, he sits down beside me. My face instantly turned red. "Hi," Bsf/n said so casually. "Hey," Duke replied with such ease. He then looked at me and said, "Y/n, right?" I nodded my head as he smiled a wide smile. We continued to talk for about an hour before Duke said that he had to walk to the park to start the meet and greet. He offered to walk Bsf/n and I, we happily accepted. Duke led us over to a small bench, away from the fans. He told us to wait there while he got started with the meet and greet. "I can't believe this is happening!" I told Bsf/n. They sat there quietly with a large smile on their face. I realized that the meet and greet had gone by so quickly, as to the fact that he only had about 150 fans show up. I saw Duke walking over to us when Bsf/n got a text from their mom. "Shit, I have to go. See you later bitch." "Oh ok, be safe. Bye hoe." Duke began to laugh as Bsf/n walked away. I let out a small giggle. "So, Y/n, tell me about your beautiful self." I say there in awe, admiring the fact that he called me beautiful. Snapping out of it, I replied. "Well handsome, I'm from Utah, I love to sing and draw, and I'm probably one of your biggest fans." I was scared that I had crossed the line with that last remark, but instead he just smiled. I looked down at the table, attempting to hide my blush. Duke put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up. "Why are you trying to hide that pretty face?" I got nothing but butterflies. Duke is so flirty and sweet. Next thing I know, a pair of soft plump lips connect with mine. Did he just kiss me?

(Hi guys, this is my first chapter! How do you like it so far? I would love some feedback! I am 13 years old, so I am super new to this. I will try to update everyday, please be patient! Have an awesome day!)

When worlds collide~ Duke Depp x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora