Hello, goodbye

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Author's POV

You wake up the next morning as you hear Sarah in the bathroom. She's definitely not even trying to be quiet. You check the time to see it is 10am. "Shit," you think. Sarah comes out of the bathroom already dressed and ready. "You awake sleepy head? I've been up since 7." You nod at Sarah's comment but don't reply. Your phone goes off. It's Duke, he wants to FaceTime. You run into the bathroom to FaceTime him as you get ready. "Hey baby, I'm home early. Will you come unlock the door please?" You nod as you run down to unlock the door for Duke. Now he will meet Sarah even earlier. "Sarah, this is Duke, my boyfriend." Sarah eyes Duke up and down. "Nice to meet you Sarah," Duke says with a grin. He gives you a kiss as Sarah begins to speak. "Mhm. You too. Just know, if you ever and I mean ever hurt Y/n, your ass will be grass. And I may just so happen to be the lawnmower." Duke's eyes widened at her comment. "Welcome to the family though." Duke smiles as you and Sarah laugh. The two get to know each other as you are in the kitchen making breakfast. Duke walks into the kitchen and asks if you need any help. You shake your head. Duke then wraps his arms around your waist and plants a kiss on your cheek. "I missed you." He still has a bit of his sexy morning voice. You give him a quick kiss as Sarah walks in. "Don't you two go doing anything on my watch." She eyes Duke and you suspiciously. Y'all walk back into the living room with breakfast. You made cheesy eggs and grits. Sarah absolutely loves grits. She could live off of them. It's almost 11:30 when y'all get done eating. Duke puts up the dishes as you and Sarah talk. "Baby, I'm gonna get a shower." "Okay," you reply. And with that, Duke was gone. "So, what do you think," you ask Sarah. "I like him. So far it looks like he treat you right. He's a keeper Y/n." You smile at Sarah's comment. Next thing you know, you hear a loud thump. You hear a scream follow the thump. You tell Sarah to stay on the couch. You run up to the bathroom where Duke was. There was a full bottle of shampoo on the floor, the shower was running, but Duke was standing there just fine. "Duke, what the fuck?" You say. "I wanted a little alone time with you." He starts to kiss all up and down your neck. "Y/n," Sarah yells. "Shit." You give Duke a long passionate kiss before running back downstairs. "He slipped on some spilt shampoo," you say. "Oh is he okay?" You nod as Sarah takes a sip of her chocolate milk. Glad that she didn't catch on, you ask her if she wants to watch some tv. It's only 12:30, but she says that she has to get going. "Oh okay. Drive safely Sarah. I love you." "Love you too Y/n." Sarah leaves as you run up to Duke's bathroom. He is washing his hair when you slip into the shower. "Hey," he says seductively. You let out a small laugh as you start to wash your body. He takes the sponge from you and holds it high above his head. "Come on Duke." You let out a small sigh of relief as he laughs at you. "What's the password?" You start to kiss him passionately, hoping that would be the "password". He drops the sponge as his hands move to your waist. "Haha," you say as you go down for the sponge. Instead, a pair of strong arms catch you and pull you back up. You and Duke make love in the shower until the water turns cold. After getting out and drying off, y'all get in some comfy clothes and decide to have a movie night. Duke pops some popcorn as you set up the bedroom. You pull a grey fluffy blanket over the bed, leaving it with a soft layer. You then arrange the pillows so y'all could half sit up and half lay while watching movies. For some reason, you can't find the LED remote, so you just leave that feature off. Duke then comes in with a huge bowl of popcorn and something flat and rectangular in his hand. He hands you the popcorn as he turns the LED lights onto peach. "Oh," you think. "The drawing!" You run across the hall into your office, leaving Duke standing there confused. You come back with a beautiful drawing of Duke. His eyes widen. "This is for you. I made it while you were out the other day." "Thank you baby, it's beautiful," Duke says. Y'all lay down and snuggle together, turning on Nightmare on Elmstreet. You convinced Duke to binge watch the series with you. You and Duke start to cuddle. He holds you tight on some of the scarier parts, leaving you with time to hold him. His little jumps were so funny and cute. After about the 3rd movie, you realize Duke had fallen asleep on your shoulder while holding your hand. As you put the popcorn on the nightstand, you turn off the tv and go to sleep.

(Heyy. I'm so sorry, it's like 3 am and I'm super tired, but this is the only time that I've had to update. Thanks for all the votes! ❤️)

When worlds collide~ Duke Depp x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें