Birthday Boy

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Authors note- I'm so sorry if I randomly switch point of views, it just gets annoying and hard sometimes to write in certain ones with different situations. **Also, your last name will be Fox** (you'll know why later)

Author's POV.

You wake up the next morning at around 8. Duke is awake playing on his phone. "Morning baby," he says in his sexy morning voice. You smile and give him a kiss. Remembering that it's his birthday, you run downstairs to make breakfast. Duke comes down to the smell of bacon and eggs. You tell him to sit down as you distribute the food between the two plates. You quickly make yourself a glass of chocolate milk and hand Duke a coke. He opens the can, making a loud pop that echos throughout the room. "Happy birthday baby," you tell Duke. "Thank you," he says with a smile.

Your POV.

Duke's smile could light up a room. The way his eyes sparkle when he talks, and they way that he runs his hands through his hair melts my heart. "I'm taking you on a special date tonight," I say with a nervous smile. Duke looks at me with a mischievous look. "Ok. Will I need to dress up?" "Hell ya. My man better look good." I almost gasp at how that came out of my mouth. Was that confidence? I'm cut off by Duke's laugh. Duke begins to get up to put the dishes up. "Sit down," I say. "I've got this." Duke stops dead in his tracks. I look at him. What the hell?  He puts down the plates and grabs my waist. Instead of kissing me, he drops to the ground. "What the fuck?" I say. He shushes me. I glance out the window to see a tall man looking right back at me. Just then, it hits me. He's holding a 45 revolver. Just then, a bullet flies past my head, hitting the wall behind Duke and I. "That's it," I say. I pull Duke behind the island and give him a long kiss. "I love you." "Baby what are you doing?"  Without answering I get up and sprint to my room. I have a .357 magnum in my nightstand.  I grab it and make sure it is loaded. I sprint downstairs. The man is now banging on the door, trying to get in. Duke looks at me with shocked eyes. "Baby no," he says. I give him another kiss and run to the door. "Babe, call the cops," I yell loudly. I hoped that would scare the man off, but it just made him angrier. Duke grabbed his phone and began to call the police. He explained what was going on. "Do anything you have to in order to stay safe." The operator said. Duke stayed on the line while the man busted through the door. The man aimed the gun straight at Duke. "Get on the ground," the man yelled. That was the last straw. I shot the man in his right hand. He dropped the pistol and screamed in agony. I kicked the 45 away and holstered my gun. The operator started to panic. "Is everything ok? Is someone shot?" "I shot the criminal. He's not severely injured. Just a wound to the hand. I'll wrap it up," I reply. I don't know why I'm helping him after he tried to kill us. For some reason I just feel connected to him. Like there's some sort of bond between us. I walk over to make sure Duke is ok. He is shaking, but he'll be fine. "Baby. You- you shot a man." "I know, but I had to keep you safe." I tie the man to a chair and start asking questions. The police station is about 30 minutes away, so we have time. "Who are you?" "Raymond. Raymond Fox." I sit down for a second. Did he just say? No, it must be a coincidence. Raymond begins to speak again. "Are you Y/n Fox?" "Yeah, yeah that's me. What do you want?" "I'm so sorry for walking out on you. Y/n, I'm your father." Did he just say father?

(Hey guys. I'm so sorry this is a short chapter! What will happen next? Lmao idk either. I've just been winging this entire story😂 stay safe!)

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