Don't leave me

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Author's POV.

You wake up at around 6:30 the next morning. You look around and realized that you and Duke had fallen asleep on the couch. However, Duke was not there. You look by your phone to see a note that says "Hey baby, I ran back to my house to pack my bags for tomorrow. Be back around 1. Love you." Beside the last two words is a drawn heart. That reminds you of something. "Yes," you say. "I can finally start the drawing." You get up and grab your art stuff. All you need is a pencil, paper, blending stumps, and some oil pastels. You sit your stuff down on the coffee table, arranging the items the way you want. You put your hair up and get to work. After sketching what you want to draw, you begin to trace and color.

(You do a drawing of the picture above)

Your POV.

It's around 8. I finally finish with the drawing. I'm so proud of how it turned out! I hope Duke likes it. I sit the drawing on a table in my office to dry. While it is drying, I go into the kitchen and make some cheesy eggs and hash browns. After I finish eating and putting up my dishes, my phone starts to ring. "Duke🥰" Seeing his name on my phone makes me smile. I answer it to hear Duke panicking. "Baby, slow down," I say. "Y/n! I just got back from the store! I had to pick up some body wash. When I got back, my house was a complete mess! The tv is gone. Things are smashed! Baby what do I do?" I slow down, thinking about what to say. I then realize that I've never even been to Duke's house. I can't drive over there. I have no idea where it is. "Baby just calm down. Text me your address. Call the police and explain to them what you walked into. Don't touch anything, it could be evidence." Duke's breathing slows as he texts you his address. "Also baby, grab something to protect yourself. Just in case."
I can hear Duke's nod through the phone. I rush to grab my keys and get to my car. As I'm on my way to Duke's house, an unknown number texts me. I ignore it. I pull into Duke's driveway and nock on the door. No reply. I finally just open the door. "Duke," I yell. "Baby, I'm here." Suddenly everything goes black.

I wake up not knowing what time it is or where I am. I can't see anything. Something is covering my head. I hear rough breathing coming from about 2 feet to my right. I turn my head, but the thing covering my face doesn't move. "Duke," I whisper, hoping for a response. "Y/n, baby she got you too." I hear a break in Duke's voice as a door closes. "Man I thought this would be harder." A voice says. Holy shit, it's the same girl from the restaurant. She must have ramsacked Duke's house and abducted both of us. "What the fuck do you want?" I ask, hoping to sound brave. "Shut up slut." The woman replies. I maneuver my hands where I can take the bag off my face. They were zip tied together. I see the same woman from the restaurant, only this time she has a bandage over her nose. I laugh at it. Duke looks over at me and his eyes widen. I look down to see a large cut running from my knee to my ankle. I hadn't felt it before I saw it. "Baby, are you okay?" Duke asks me. He is cut off by the broken- nosed bitch. "Hey! What did I tell you about using that word? Only I am your baby!" I can tell this girl is jealous of our relationship. Little does she know, this entire time she's been running her trap, I've been sawing through the zip tie holding my hands together. I always carry a pocket knife on my hip. I guess she hadn't seen it when she grabbed me.

Author's POV.

The zip tie snaps, making a small sound that the woman notices. "You," she says with hostility. You stand up as she charges you. She pulls out a kitchen knife, like one they use on the chef shows. You are able to disarm her, but you can't get close enough to stab her. You push her towards Duke, hoping he would get the hint to trip her. Thank the lord that he did. She falls onto her back, hitting her head hard, but not hard enough. Not wanting to stab her, you give her a blow to her temple, making her pass out. You press down on her skull gently, making sure you hadn't broken anything major. She was a bitch, but she didn't deserve to die. You cut the zip ties off of Duke and find the woman's phone. Calling the police, you realize that you have no idea where you are. You are in a house, but judging by the time, you must be far away from Duke's house. The police are able to locate you and Duke. After being examined, Duke's belongings are found and returned. The woman is put in custody soon after. You and Duke head to his house to clean up and put everything back in it's place. It's now 4 and Duke and you get in the shower. He helps you clean it the large cut that still ran down your leg. After the shower, you say goodbye to Duke. You want him to get plenty of sleep for his big day tomorrow. He hasn't had an offer to take wedding pictures in months. You pull into your driveway and see a car. "Sarah!" You yell. You haven't seen your cousin Sarah in months. You've only talked on the phone. You are greeted by a huge hug. You gave her the short version of your day as y'all sit down for hot chocolate. She explains how she will be in town until tomorrow afternoon. You think about how perfect that is. Duke will be getting back around 2pm, and she will be leaving around 3. Giving them plenty of time to meet, still leaving you with individual time with each of them. Y'all talk for a little while longer, soon going to bed. Y'all just share a bed because you have since you were kids. Sarah lost both her her parents soon before you did. She lost them the year you were born. She was only 3 when they died in a shooting. So, you both grew up with your grandmother. After snuggling into the cool bed, you both fall asleep peacefully. Occasionally blurting out funny jokes while trying to go to sleep.

(Hey guys! I hope y'all liked this chapter! I was kind of out of ideas, but wanted to add a twist to the story. Feel free to leave feedback! Have a great day you bad nuts!❤️)

When worlds collide~ Duke Depp x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن