Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Rayn woke up to the ringing of his alarm. He rubbed his amethyst eye and stretched. He felt the all to familiar ache in his back. He was over worked and sleeping on the couch didn't help. However that didn't matter he loved his job as mechanic. Sure he was barely making ends meet thanks to his greedy ass boss Jamie, but Rayn couldn't hate him. He had given him a job when he first come to this city. Jamie wasn't going to hire him on account of the fact that Rayn had no professional training, but Rayn was persistent and finally Jamie gave him a chance to prove himself. It goes without saying that he was very impressed with how knowledgeable and skilled Rayn was. Rayn walked in to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal. He sat at the small table one of his coworkers had given him. He looked around his studio apartment. It was almost to small but it was cheap and having only been working for 6 months it was all he could afford.

"I need to get a bed soon." Rayn sighed to himself. With that said he finished eating while checking his bank account balance on his phone. A small smile spread on his face at the balance. He had slowly been saving what little he could and from the look of it after payday he would finally be able to buy a bed. Looking at the time Rayn pulled himself from his thoughts and started getting ready for work.
As Rayn walked to work he did his best to stay out of peoples way and avoid drawling attention to himself. He pulled the hood of his hoodie tighter to better hide his face from the crowd. Rayn sighed as he walked hating his need to hide his face. How he wished he could muster up the courage to show his face in public. However the scar across his right eye brought so much attention and unwanted questions. Not to mention the years of mental and physical abuse his mother had at times literally beaten into him. Only made him want to hide it more. His mom had always been a bit unstable, but after his dad died in an accident she had lost it. Rayn became her outlet for what ever set her off. The last straw had been when she attacked him with a knife that caused the scar of his face.

He silently heaved a sigh of relief as he entered his work.
"Hey Rayn, once you get clocked in there is a car waiting in bay 2. It came in on a flat bed about an hour ago. Owner stated that its not starting." His coworker Matt told him.
"Okay thanks Matt. I'll be out in a few to start working on it." Rayn said as he walked to his work locker. He placed his stuff into it and pulled off his hoodie. His coworkers all know about his scars and thankfully they haven't made a huge deal over it. Jamie was the only one that really said anything, but even he didn't push the issue. Rayn quickly pulled on his coverall and clocked in.

He entered the workshop and went to bay 2 where the car was and about had a heart attack. It was a 1970 Ford Torino. Rayn was in shock, never in his wildest dreams did he think he would get a chance to see one up close again, much less work on one after his dad passed away.
"Like what you see?" Jamie said as he slapped Rayn in the back. Making him stubble a little and breaking him out of his thoughts of him and his dad working on his Torino.
"Of course, who wouldn't?" Rayn asked rhetorically.
"But I got to ask, why are you letting my work on it? Normally the nicer cars are given to Jack or Mike."
"Jack and Mike are good with newer cars, but I wouldn't let those two idiots so much as change a tire on a car like this. Plus it helps that you and your pops rebuilt one of these bad boys, so I know I can trust you to get her running again." Jamie said matter-o-factually. "The owner just so happens to be a good friend of mine. He said its not starting, he just had new plugs, wires and a battery in it but now its not working. He said to give it a good look over and fix it, as well as any other problems you find. So get to work Rayn, and let me know as soon as you finish."
"Yes sir." With that said Rayn got to work.

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