It started with a dare

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Tanaka pov;
Hinata and Noya are coming over today! This is gonna be the best bro night ever,and besides,maybe we can get some blackmail on the others. There was a knock at the door "Open up bro! I brought Pringles!" I recognised that voice anywhere,Nishinoya Yuu. I rushed to the door and flung it open,lifting Noya up as he jumps onto me,the casual stuff y'know? "Where's Hinata?" "He'll be here soon,he just had to drop his sister off at the babysitters."
Noya flops onto the sofa,exhausted,I do the same. Noya tries to open the Pringles can,but fails miserabley. That's kind cute I thought. Wait what?? I'm not gay,and besides,Noya is as straight as a plank...why does that hurt so much?

(Time skip brought to you my bokuto's phat ass 😌)

The gangs all here,and after many attempts to open the Pringles,we achieved success! "Guys,wanna play truth or dare? It'll be fun~" said the human carrot. "Sure why not,maybe you'll reveal something Hinata -insert laughing-" His laugh..his voice..Hinata's high-pitched voice brings me back to reality "Noya,truth or dare?"
"Hmmm,truth!" That's boring of you Noya. "What's you're sexuality?" Questioned the red head. "Um..I'm bisexual.." Noya looks...scared,but his words were weirdly relieving. "That's so cool nishinoya-senpai!" Hinata exclaimed in his usual energetic voice. "Yeah bro,that's awesome!" I added,Noya looked relieved to hear our responses,I don't blame him to be honest.

(Another time skip TwT)

"Ok,Tanka truth or dare?" Asked the tangerine boy. "Umm..dare!" "Alright,I dare you to kiss Noya,no homo of course." Why am I flustered about this?? It's no homo..I'm not gay right? "Fine,your dare are so weird Hinata." Noya said,rolling his eyes. "No homo,right Ryu?" All I can do is nod as we both lean in,our lips eventually connecting. It lasted about 3 seconds before we broke apart. Why did I like that...I didn't want it to end...maybe I am gay.

A.N: woahhh first paragraph done! This is probably really bad,so if you have anything that can help me improve please let me know,I'm desperate 😂
Word count: 358

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