Someones jelous

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Tanaka pov:
It's been about a week since me and Noya started dating,and almost the whole team knows,accept Asahi. It's clear he likes Noya,but he's mine. He's getting a bit too close for my liking,he better back off,I don't wanna have to get violent.

Asahi pov:
What's up with Tanaka and Nishinoya lately? They've been very close,but I'm determined to make Noya mine,we would be perfect together. I watched as they hugged after a game,a bit longer than usual,almost a romantic hug. My blood boiled with jealousy,this thing of theirs is driving me insane. It's like the villain winning against the hero,it just doesn't happen. I'm supposed to be with Noya,he is mine Tanaka.

Third person pov:
As the team of crows rode the bus back home from their practise game,Noya rested his head on Tanaka's shoulder,sleeping soundly and unaware of the eyes watching him from the row opposite. Asahi was giving them both,mostly Tanaka,a burning death stare. Ryu noticed this and gives him the "what are you staring at?" look. All the ace did was look away,jealousy filling his veins. This made the younger male slightly uneasy. Asahi is usually so calm and composed,what's going on with him? Thought Tanaka,as he started to fall asleep to the rhythm of Nishinoya's heartbeat.

Word count: 231
Ooo Asahi's jealous~~
Anyway,I am trying to update as often as I can,I don't wanna keep you all waiting too long.
Until next time,cya hoes 😘💅

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