Chapter 3

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Jisoo and Jennie's relationship does not go back to normal after couchgate. Jisoo is pretty sure it's because now that she's seen Jennie writhing underneath her, it's hard to see anything else. It's not like they're actively avoiding each other, because they're not. Things are just... awkward. Jisoo is pretty sure she can't even speak to Jennie now without stuttering and she's seen Jennie blush more in the past week than she has in the entire time she's known her.

Thankfully, it doesn't seem to be enough to tip Nayeon and Rosé off that something has happened. They just continue their usual everyday lives while Jisoo slowly slips into the depths of chaos.

Jisoo almost wishes nothing had happened between her and Jennie at all. Almost. Of course she feels insanely guilty for betraying Rosé's trust, however the warm, tingly feeling she gets when she thinks about the incident greatly outweighs the guilt. She thinks Jennie feels the same if her dilated pupils and squirming any time they're near each other is any indication.

It takes a good week and a half for the weirdness to settle down a little. Then they're back to sharing the living room for homework (though neither of them ever sit on the couch) and pretending nothing of the sordid variety has transpired between them. Jisoo is pretty sure they're friends again and everything is great except for the fact that she can't stop picturing her roommate's face during orgasm. No big deal.


The second time it happens, it's almost as unexpected as the first. Nayeon is having a small get together at their house for some of her fellow engineering majors. Jisoo has a test tomorrow and is tossing and turning in bed. She can hear the thumping of the bass in the living room and drunken college kids cheering at some drinking game they're playing. There is a crash followed by the sound of Nayeon yelling drifting through the wall, and then Jisoo is throwing off her comforter with an angry huff and storming into the bathroom. She might as well shower if she's going to be kept up all night.

She's drying her hair when she notices her phone blinking with a notification. She discovers several missed texts from Jennie.

Why are Nayeon's friends so loud?

Is it as loud in your room?

Can I come watch a movie in your room so we can complain about our horrible roommate together? Rosé's somehow sleeping through this.


That's it, I'm coming to your room.

Jisoo chuckles at the impatient texts and replies back asking Jennie to give her a couple minutes to put clothes on before dropping her towel and walking back into her bedroom. Jennie is sitting on her bed and looks up from her phone at the sound of the bathroom door opening. Both women freeze. Jisoo is naked. Jisoo is naked and Jennie is in her room. Jisoo is naked and Jennie is in her room sitting on her bed looking at Jisoo like she's a jar of Nutella.

"Fuck, I'm sorry, Jisoo. I just got your text and I was about to leave and now you're naked and... wow..."

Jisoo is attempting to shield her nudity as best as she can with her hands while also inching closer to her dresser. "Yup, sure am."

Jennie must not realize she is staring because Jisoo is beginning to feel like a zoo animal in an exhibit. She shifts uncomfortably and tries to work out how to get her pajamas without exposing herself further. "Um, Jennie? Can you, like, turn around or close your eyes so I can put clothes on?"

Jennie blinks her glazed eyes and opens and closes her mouth a few times as a blush climbs up her neck and onto her cheeks. "God. Yes. Sorry. Maybe I should just go-"

"No!" Jennie looks startled by the outburst, but Jisoo really doesn't want her to leave. "No. Please stay. I'll just change really fast and then we can watch our movie."

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