Storm of Doubt...

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Kirishima stepped out of their makeshift home, stretching in the open air. The two had spent five months on the island already. They had grown used to life on the island. The tattered plane had become home for them. At the start, Kirishima tried to keep count of the days that had passed but he eventually lost count. Bakugo walked out of the plane behind him, yawning.

"It's going to rain," Kirishima said.

"Really? How can you tell? There are almost no clouds right now,"

"It smells like rain," he stated plainly.

"Whatever you say, man,"

"We should get ready for the rain, I don't know how heavy it'll be,"

"And how do we do that?"

"We should get our firewood inside, plus we might wanna collect supplies, who knows how long we'll have to stay inside,"

"Should we raise the house? In case of flooding, I mean," Bakugo asked.

"Yeah, good idea, we should get some fallen trees to place it on," Kirishima paused and thought for a moment. "I'll run to the beach and grab our firewood so it won't get soaked, I'll grab some food while I'm down there too, do you wanna go into the forest and see if you can find food too?"

"Yeah yeah, I got it, meet back here in an hour." Bakugo walked towards the overgrowth of the wood while Kiri made his way to the beach.

Kiri finally arrived on the beach. He tied up the firewood with a vine and made his way back to the plane. The plane had been turned into more of a home over the months. The main part of the plane was gutted and turned into a bedroom that they shared. Bakugo claimed it was to save space and to keep warm but Kirishima was just happy to be sleeping next to Bakugo every night. Large sheets of metal were removed from the wings and bolted into place using the bolts from the plane. Kirishima helped to bend the large sheets into place. The room had been turned into a makeshift kitchen of sorts. They kept food like coconuts and other fruits in there to keep them from bugs. Kirishima placed down the wood in the now almost empty room. He made his way back to the beach for more supplies.

He collected coconuts and more shellfish from the coast. He was getting ready to head back to the plane when he saw what he thought was a large crab lodged in the sand. He placed down the other collected food and made his way over to it. As he got closer he saw it wasn't a crab, but some exposed metal. He bent over and tried to pull it out of the sand to no avail. He squatted down and started brushing the sand out from around it. He continued to tug on it before it came out. It came out abruptly and Kirishima fell backward, the object hitting the sand next to him. Just as the two hit the sand a large wave came and hit the shore, soaking Kirishima completely. The sea pulled away again to reveal a drenched Kiri and an old shovel.

"Really? A shovel?" Kiri flopped onto his back, laying on the sand. After a moment of laying another wave came up and washed over him again. He sat up and grabbed the shovel and his bag of food. He started into the woods again, hoping to dry off at the plane. He walked through the woods and stepped on a tree root. The root broke under him and he dropped onto the ground.

"Ow," he rubbed his aching head, which had hit the ground after he fell. "That hurt," He pushed himself up, grabbing his stuff from the ground again. He made his way back to the plane where Bakugo was already sitting. Kirishima walked into the clearing and Bakugo looked at him. Kirishima tossed the shovel aside while Bakugo tried to hold back a laugh.

"What the fuck happened to you?" he asked through his stifled laugh.

"The ocean, that's what," he walked into the kitchen and dropped the coconuts with the other fruit Bakugo brought back. He dropped the still living crabs into the bucket of seawater to keep them alive. He walked back out to see Bakugo still laughing.

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