Chapter 5: What It Would Be Like

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I GRABBED MY key, iPhone, locked the door as we left, and followed her up to her room. "What are we doing?" I asked.

"Just sit down for a minute," she told me. She went into her closet and began digging through things. I had no idea what she was up to, and ended up staring blankly at a bra she had left sitting hanging on a dresser knob.

'Should I be wearing one of those?' I asked myself. I had little doubt that if I was a girl I would be by now. 'Would it make them feel better?' I found myself wondering.

"Okay, so Taylor you are not allowed to freak out on me," she told me a few minutes later.

"I'm not allowed to freak out on you?" I repeated dumbly. "After you haven't freaked out on me, I think that's the least I owe you," I replied.

She smiled at me and said, "Okay then. You are worried that if you really are a girl, what you would do?"

"Sort of," I hesitated. I was beginning to guess why she had been digging through her closet.

"Well, let's see!" she told me. She held up a bright blue, layered skirt, and a white sleeveless t-shirt that matched with it up to it. I couldn't help but notice the lacy accents to the top of the shirt and the sleeves. It was girlie with a capital G. I looked at her and for the first time noticed she was wearing something similar to it.

I stared at her for a moment, I had guessed where she was going, but I still couldn't believe it. 'What's there to lose?' I asked myself, and fought an internal battle for several moments. I decided that a practical question was at least in order, "Umm... Alyssa, aren't you a lot bigger than I am? Your clothes aren't going to fit me very well," I told her timidly.

"Now I am, but this is from a couple years ago before I grew..." she said. She seemed to be testing a pond of ice to determine if she was going to slip through.

I sighed, "It can't hurt," I told her. Truth be told, I was kind of curious to see how ugly of a girl I would be. I might very well be doomed to a crash course in girlhood, might as well get a head start.

She squealed slightly and bounced on her heels. "Great!" she told me. She seemed to think for a moment and went to her dresser and dug around for a moment. "I think this bra should fit you pretty well actually." I was embarrassed by the fact she just handed it to me like it was any other clothing. I was worried it was going to smoke and catch on fire in my hands. She noticed and laughed, "It's okay Taylor," she said. She dug around a bit more and found an old pair of purple panties from somewhere in her drawer that she seemed to think would fit.

"Okay, I'll turn around, and you get dressed." She told me as she handed me the final piece for clothing too.

I sat stunned for a moment with the pile of clothes before shrugging and setting down the clothes on the bed. She turned around, true to her word, and I found myself as red as a beet. I kicked my flip-flops off; before I pulled my shorts, underwear, and t-shirt off fairly quickly.

'You're already growing breasts, and have ovaries, what's this going to hurt?' I asked myself before hurriedly putting on the panties. It didn't have the same kind of tag as my underwear – these were printed on like a t-shirt. I figured the writing would go in the back though. The skirt had elastic to hold it up, so I just pulled it up to my waist and tried to follow the same tag rule.

I stared at the bra for a moment, unsure of how to put the device on. I figured the cups obviously went over my breasts, and my arms went through the straps... I got to that point and couldn't quite figure out how you were supposed to snap the two clips together behind your back. I sat there contorting my arms for several minutes before I felt the two hooks catch.

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