Judges' Rubrics

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🦋 Read the first five (5) chapters of each book you're judging. Prologues are counted as a chapter. Three (3) chapters for poetry and short story. You can vote on a chapter, but only if you really enjoyed it.

For Poetry and Short Story

🦋Title: Is it relevant and unique? 5/5
🦋Cover: Is it eye-catching and unique. Does it match the genre? 5/5
🦋Grammar/Punctuation: Sentence constructions and the proper usage of commas, full-stops etc. Correct tenses. 20/20
🦋Spelling/Vocabulary: 20/20
🦋Emotion: Does the piece brings out certain emotions? Did it have an impact? 10/10
🦋Effective Literary Devices: 10/10
🦋Overall Enjoyment: Did you like what you read? 10/10
🦋TOTAL: 80/80
Give a short review.

                               For Novel

🦋Title: Is it relevant and unique? 5/5
🦋Cover: Is it eye-catching and unique. Does it match the genre? 5/5
🦋Genre: Is the book in the right category? 5/5
🦋Blurb: Is it intriguing. Did it make you want to read the book? 5/5
🦋Introduction: Are the prologue and first chapter exciting? Did it make you want to go on? 10/10
🦋Grammar/Punctuation: Sentence constructions and the proper usage of commas, full-stops etc. Correct tenses. 20/20
🦋Spelling/Vocabulary: 20/20
🦋Plot: Is the storyline interesting? 30/30
🦋Character Development: Are the characters evolving? 10/10
🦋Description: Did the writer give vivid descriptions of the characters and places? 10/10
🦋Connection: Does the piece brings out certain emotions? Did it have an impact? 5/5
🦋Effective Literary Devices: 10/10
🦋Originality: Is the story original. 5/5
🦋Overall Enjoyment: Did you like what you read? 10/10
🦋TOTAL: 150/150
Give a short review.

Remember, if a participant fails to follow their judge, 5 marks are to be deducted from the final score.

Results should be sent via email fionacassandra1@outlook.com


Any questions you can ask me here. ➡

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