🦋Sci-Fi Results🦋

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We here at the Platinum Awards want to let you guys know that you are all winners. The judges have read your pieces and tallied your scores according to the judging rules. They had left their judge's notes at the end. If there are any queries about your scores, you can send your judge a message, be kind and respectful of your questions, and judges you do the same with your answers. 🦋❤🦋

🦋stats7 The Truth Untold

Title: 5/5
Cover: 5/5
Genre: 5/5
Blurb: 3/5
Intro: 1/10
Grammar/Punctuation: 15/20
Spelling/Vocab: 15/20
Plot: 10/30
Characters: 6/10
Description: 3/10
Literary Device: 2/10
Connection: 1/5
Originality: 2/5
Overall Enjoyment: 2/10
Total: 75/150

DiegoChin1989 The intro needs major work, the whole chapter (300 words or less) was just a conversation that didn't hold any amount of intriguing factors. Good usage of grammar and spelling, but they still could use a boost to the top. As far as plot, the only thing I could detect was that the story was about a ghost. The chapters were so short, they mostly consisted of only dialects; hardly any descriptions or literary devices were present. But from those dialects, I found the characters likeable and fun, so I gave characterization a 6. Other than that I was unable to connect to the story because there was not much of a story to connect to. I read the whole 16 chapters in less than 20 minutes, the last chapter was barely 200 words (I counted it myself). Those 16 chapters could have easily be conjoined to make 2 or 3 proper chapters. I picked up on the fact, the writer has a nice writing style, but I could not enjoy this book.


🦋Iskipp_U Diary Of A Teenage Superhuman

Title: 5/5
Cover: 3/5
Genre: 5/5
Blurb: 3/5
Intro: 6/10
Grammar/Punc: 18/20
Spelling/Vocab: 18/20
Plot: 25/30
Character: 7/10
Description: 7/10
Literary Device: 7/10
Connection: 3/5
Original: 3/5
Enjoyment: 7/10
Total: 117/150

DiegoChin1989 Let me address the intro first, being an avid reader, I just want to let the writer know that when you use the first chapter to give character's introductions and description, your story will sometimes come off bland. There are so many different creative ways you could incorporate the character's features/traits in your book so that the readers can be more invested in your story. With a cool plot like this one, I would have started the book with a bang, like showing the readers how Jame received his powers at six, make the scene wild and entertaining. Make the readers go, wow! That was intense. The scene could be heartbreaking or funny or even scary for James, I think the readers would appreciate that a lot. Then you could flash forward to the present and give the description and whatnot. Overall, you had a great plot, just step up your descriptions and literary devices, also work on the characters, they needed a few more exciting traits. But good job on the sci-fi stuff, you did a good job and I found enjoyment in your book.


🦋Rita_writes The Nevite Gate

Title: 5/5
Cover: 4/5 (work on fonts)
Genre: 5/5
Blurb: 4/5
Intro: 8/10
Grammar/Punc: 14/20
Spelling/Vocab: 16/20
Plot: 28/30
Character: 9/10
Description: 5/10
Literary Device: 5/10
Connection: 4/5
Original: 5/5
Enjoyment: 7/10
Total: 117/150

DiegoChin1989 Even though a few sentence constructions were way off, I still found this story fascinating and suspenseful. The characters were well-written, they just needed to be properly described. The literary devices were also lacking. The writer has a gift and a unique writing style because the plot was amazing, she just needs guidance to conquer the English language as I found some choice words that were used out of context, so it hindered the smooth flow of the story, but I am willing to help with edits if the writer will have me. But this book was a decent read. I enjoyed it.


🦋NickfEast The Last Philosopher

Title: 5/5
Cover: 2/5
Genre: 5/5
Blurb: 2/5
Intro: 7/10
Grammar/Punc: 18/20
Spelling/vocab: 18/20
Plot: 26/30
Character: 7/10
Description: 8/10
Literary Device: 7/10
Connection: 3/5
Original: 5/5
Enjoyment: 8/10
Total: 121/150

DiegoChin1989 Fascinating tale. I was entranced. Very informative. I liked the writers take on black-holes. The descriptions were great, I could visualize each scene perfectly. The plot though could have been a little more exciting. The intro was too simple for my taste, try and add something more mind-blowing to keep readers guessing. As for the cover, my dirty mind kept seeing Shrek giving it to Donkey. Work on that. But a great story, I really enjoyed it.


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