🦋Poetry Results🦋

134 17 5

We here at the Platinum Awards want to let you guys know that you are all winners. The judges have read your pieces and tallied your scores according to the judging rules. They had left their judge's notes at the end. If there are any queries about your scores, you can send your judge a message, be kind and respectful of your questions and judges you do the same with your answers. 🦋❤🦋

🦋priya_shady Paradise

Title: 3/5
Cover: 4/5
Grammar/ Punctuations: 12/20
Spellings/Vocabulary: 11/20
Emotions: 5/10
Effective Literary Devices: 5/10
Overall Enjoyment: 5/10
Total: 45/80

CerrahQuack: I found her work to be dark and brooding. While that is something that I am normally drawn towards, I feel like it was not descriptive enough to hold my attention. It wasn't mature enough for me.


🦋annajerin Mysteriously Great

Title: 3/5
Cover: 3/5
Grammar/Punctuation: 16/20
Spelling/Vocabulary: 20/20
Emotion: 5/10
Effective Literary Devices: 5/10
Overall Enjoyment: 5/10
Total: 57/80

FionaCakes91: I applaud this writer for scoring maximum points for spelling/vocabulary. The grammar was not bad either, just minor punctuation errors that can be fixed with a little editing. Now the cover was nice, but the fonts needed to be brightened a bit. The pieces that I've read were smoothe to read, but I failed to connect emotionally and for poetry that is a big deal. Try to use more literary devices so that readers can have a sense of how the writer felt about the poem. We want to feel your sadness, your love and joy. Just work on that and you'll get better.


🦋Marina_Is_Typing Everything I wanted

Title: 5/5
Cover: 1/5
Grammar/punctuation: 16/20
Spelling/Vocabulary: 18/20
Emotion: 5/10
Effective Literary Devices: 7/10
Overall Enjoyment: 5/10
Total: 57/80

FionaCakes91: Great job with the title, I personally loved it, I thought it worked well with the pieces in the book. Did not find the cover enticing at all. Descent use of literary devices and spelling/vocabulary. Watch your punctuation. A few missing commas here and there threw me off while reading the poems. Even though the pieces were nice, they did not convey any feelings; they lacked the emotional aspects. So just work on those areas, you are a talented writer.


🦋kriti44444 Torn

Title: 5/5
Cover: 4.5/5
Grammar/Punctuation: 16/20
Spelling/Vocabulary: 15/20
Emotion: 6/10
Effective Literary Devices: 6/10
Overall Enjoyment: 6/10
Total: 58.5/80

FionaCakes91: Title and cover were perfect, the only reason you lost points for the cover was that I felt it screamed fantasy more than poems about heartbreak. The emotions were there, but the overuse of rhymes threw me off. Rhymes are great, but you don't want to have rhymes in every line of your poems. The pieces will come off a little forced and the emotions will get lost in the mix. Use of punctuations was great and your spelling was on point, but watch for tense mixups and try using bigger vocabulary words (none that your readers will have to google) so that your pieces will come off little better. Just go back to the drawing board do so edits, remove some rhymes and you'll be good to go.


🦋DAJ2020 Emotions

Title: 3/5
Cover: 3/5
Grammar/Punctuation: 15/20
Spelling/Vocabulary: 15/20
Emotion: 7/10
Effective Literary Devices: 9/10
Overall Enjoyment: 7/10
Total: 59/80

CerrahQuack: While I felt that the author spoke about deep topics, I didn't feel any true emotions with the words, it came across as just mere words, without depth. However, I loved the way the author depicted the text in a layering manner, which showed a real emotion, which I could otherwise not detect.


🦋LucidDream99 Mysterious Moments

Cover: 5/5
Grammar/Punctuation: 15/20
Spelling/Vocabulary: 18/20
Emotion: 6/10
Effective Literary Devices: 8/10
Overall Enjoyment: 6/10
Total: 61/80

CerrahQuack: This author provided a timeline in the first two chapters, which only disappointed in the third. There was a continuing resonance of words until the reader was left in obscurity in the third chapter. I feel like a more clear fluidity or notion that they were not indicative of each other could have been made. I understand that poems are to be taken in a measure, but if combining all poems in a book, I feel a fluidity only makes sense.


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