🦋Mystery Results🦋

94 14 1

We here at the Platinum Awards want to let you guys know that you are all winners. The judges have read your pieces and tallied your scores according to the judging rules. They had left their judge's notes at the end. If there are any queries about your scores, you can send your judge a message, be kind and respectful of your questions, and judges you do the same with your answers. 🦋❤🦋

🦋Shetty01 Dirty Dishes

Title: [3/5]
Cover: 2/5
Genre: 5/5
Blurb: [3/5]
Intro: 4/10
Grammar/Punctuation: 12/20
Spelling/Vocabulary: [12/20]
Plot: [12/30]
Character development: [4/10]
Literary devices: [5/10]
Originality: [5/5]
Connection: [2/5]
Description: [4/10]
Overall Enjoyment: [6/10]

Rita_writes: Though I like the whole Murder Mystery stuff going on, but this story needs lots of dusting to bring out the beauty. Think of it as a dirty clothes, once wash, one can wear it proudly. You need to work on your punctuations, I can't start listing all the wrongs here, you can come meet me, and I will gladly help you with them. Also, I didn't feel like I was in the story, and that because it felt more like a narration, or a summary of the chapter rather, it was like you pushed the readers out, not letting them see for themselves, but rather telling them everything. The story needs lot of work, I didn't get the murder mystery vibe, there was murder but hardly any mystery. The interrogations were very short and the detective didn't even solve the case like all other Murder Mystery, Jenny was the one who came forward. You need to work more in your description and everything surrounding the story, keep up the good writing.


🦋Sewman Kill Or Be Killed

Title: [5/5]
Cover: 4/5
Genre: 4/5
Blurb: [3/5]
Introduction: 4/10
Grammar/Punctuation: 14/20
Spelling and vocabulary: [12/20]
Plot: [20/30]
Character development: [5/10]
Originality: [5/5]
Literary devices: [6/10]
Connection: [2/5]
Description: [4/10]
Overall Enjoyment: [7/10]
Total: 95/150

Rita_writes: The author has a really nice story planned and even with all the errors, I still enjoyed the really short five chapters I read. First thing you should work on is your description, this is a Mystery/Thriller book, and for that, you need to be able to spike up that tension, bring up the imagery. Your first chapter went on a really fast pace and I was hoping to get a better view of the surrounding of your character. You will notice your description, connection, character development and punctuation and spelling had a poor mark, it's all due to these problems. This is the areas you need to work more on. Pushing that aside, your story is really interesting and like I said I enjoyed the chapters and will even read more because I really want to see how it goes. You're a good writer, keep it up.


🦋lazy125 The Revenge

Title: 5/5
Cover: 2/5
Genre: 3/5
Blurb: 3/5
Introduction: 5/10
Grammar/Punctuation: 15/20
Spelling/Vocabulary: 17/20
Plot: 20/30
Character Development: 7/10
Description: 7/10
Connection: 3/5
Literary Device: 6/10
Original: 4/5
Overall Enjoyment: 7/10
Total: 104/150

pamela_mc02: I found this plot interesting, the writer had so much to work with but they lost momentum in chapter two. The intro was way too boring I did not understand how the Revenge came in, maybe I had to read past chapter five to find out, but I did not have the will power to do so. Lastly, the dialects were poor, it was all jumbled and I could not understand what they were talking about half of the time. The cover is too dark with no spark whatsoever.


TejashreeSubhashAyre Wreckage

Title: [4/5]

Cover: 5/5
Genre: 5/5
Blurb: [4/5]
Introduction: 6/10
Grammar/Punctuation: 16/20
Spelling/Vocabulary: [13/20]
Plot: [24/30]
Character development: [9/10]
Literary devices: [7/10]
Originality: [5/5]
Connection: [3/5]
Description: [8/10]
Overall Impression: [8/10]
Total: 117/150

Rita_writes: I just have to say, the idea of bringing a mentally disturbed lady and a criminal as the main character, is really interesting, kinda disturbing, but more interesting, I really like the direction you went to, other authors would always for the perfect couple, but yours have to be the least perfect which just makes them perfect. The blurb is really interesting and is sure to catch the attention of any reader scrolling by, also beautiful cover you have there. You should work more on your punctuations.


🦋penpatron As The Knight Falls

Title: [4/5]
Cover: 5/5
Genre: 5/5
Blurb: [3/5]
Introduction: 6/10
Grammar/Punctuation: 15/20
Spelling/Vocabulary: [16/20]
Plot: [25/30]
Character development: [8/10]
Literary devices: [7/10]
Originality: [5/5]
Connection: [4/5]
Description: [9/10]
Overall Enjoyment: [7/10]
Total: 119/150

Rita_writes: Let's start by saying, I really liked the one-liner at the beginning of the prologue, that was enough to bring anyone in. Your description was really beautiful and you gave almost a perfect imagery of the happenings around, though ever heard of too much description? Always remember not to get lost in the description. Descriptions are amazing, but when they get too much, readers tend to skip past it, I know I do. You should work a bit more on your punctuation, especially the commas, don't forget to give space after putting a comma. Also, I feel you may have rushed into the characters, just a teeny bit, what I mean is, your readers may not have settled with one before others were crowding the place, but that's ok, it wasn't too much. You should also work a bit on the blurb, it was good, but kinda confusing. You're a really good writer and honestly, I like your style of writing, the whole story idea is really good, keep up the good work.


🦋Sapphydean Monoville Murder Chronicles

Title: [5/5]
Cover: 5/5
Genre: 5/5
Blurb: [3/5]
Introduction: 7/10
Grammar/Punctuations: 17/20
Spelling/Vocabulary: [15/20]
Plot: [25/30]
Character development: [8/10]
Originality: [5/5]
Literary devices: [8/10]
Connection: [4/5]
Description: [8/10]
Overall Enjoyment: [8/10]
Total: 123/150

Rita_writes: The first chapter drew me in with your character Alexandra, the death of her mother and the relationship with her father made her character even more understandable, especially her style. I spotted almost no grammatical mistakes and spelling errors. Though there were some punctuation am errors spotted in the first chapters, mostly in the dialogue areas, probably from typing with speed, you could check that out. The plot is really good and unique, unlike any I have seen, I love the fact that you have created such a strong female lead like Alexandra and the relationship she has with her best friend Ellen is amazing. Your description helped a lot with the imagery and brought the readers even more to your characters. You are an amazing writer, keep up the good writing.


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