Chapter 9

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Spencer's P.O.V

Hotch had to come pick you guys up because while you were at the prison y/n left a note on your windshield and slashed the tires of your SUV. The note read

Spencie! I see you were trying to visit mother to get her to give me up! That's not going to work, and sorry about your tires... not really though!

The perfect Daughter,


Hotch dropped you off at the station and told you to take Morgan's vehicle and they'd meet you at the hospital later. On the way to the hospital a pit grew in your stomach, you at first didn't know why and assumed it was from car sickness or something but you didn't normally get car sickness you were just trying to push off the truth... you were nervous, Nervous to meet this teenage girl in a hospital room... But that's the thing she's not just Some teenage girl in a hospital room. She's your daughter and technically you had met her before on that first day at the station but this was different somehow. The concept was still very strange to you, you had always wanted kids but you weren't expecting your first daughter to be with the Hitwoman Cathrine Adams.

"Spence..? You ok?" JJ asked. You hadn't realized you'd been staring out the window in silence for almost ten minutes now.

"Yeah... I'm just-.... I'm fine." You said with a sigh.

"Spence, you do realize you're sitting next to a profiler, Right!" JJ said with a chuckle.

"I can tell somethings wrong,"

"I- I don't know why but I'm nervous... is that weird?" You asked scared for JJs reaction but she barely reacted at all

" Of course it's not weird! You're about to meet your..." she paused still in shock about the concept as well.

"Your daughter... I would be nervous too."

You stayed silent not quite knowing how to respond just giving JJ your regular tight lipped smile as you stared out the window with only about 5 minutes left till you arrived at the hospital... and you saw your daughter...

y/n's P.O.V

It had been about 2 minutes of sitting in silence. You refused to look at him scared you might break down, you didn't want to let him see you vulnerable so you avoided his eyes... you just stared out the window of your room. Not much to look at just the street and a bench with the occasional squirrel jumping around, eventually he broke the silence.

"JJ..." he looked at Agent Jareau and nodded to the door. Just from that small action she knew what he'd wanted her to do and so did you. He wanted her to leave the room, leaving him with you to try and get you to break which you were adamant about not doing but you know if he stayed long enough it would eventually happen, and being vulnerable scared you more than death itself. It was the same way with your mom except she was better than you were at hiding it, you always knew she hated being vulnerable and Dr. Reid was the only one who could ever get to her and you were the only way she ever got to him. That was pretty much the whole point of your existence not because Cathrine Adams wanted a child, or because she cared about you, But because she wanted to get inside Dr. Reid's head because you knew she was incapable of caring about you like a mother should she only saw you as a pawn in her ongoing game with Spencer nothing more... but sometimes fake love is better than none at all, that's why you did all this, just to keep Cat interested in you.

Once JJ had left the room your eyes slowly moved over to Spencer as he walked over to the chair next to the hospital bed and sat down. Other than that time in the station you'd never actually seen him other than through pictures or news. You looked at him for a moment trying to figure out what to say, you noticed his hand sitting in his lap, his index finger repeatedly tapping his knee. He was nervous and that was his tell.

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