Chapter 10

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y/n's P.O.V

It had been roughly ten minutes since Spencer left the room and all you could think about was trying to get out of the hospital. You looked around for a while trying to find any way to take the handcuffs off, Then a woman walked into the room with you, She was wearing a red tank top with black high-rise jeans and Black combat boots and was holding a black leather jacket in her left hand.

"Hi y/n... my name is Emily!" She said as she walked over to sit in the seat Spencer had been in before he left.

"Mind if I sit?" she asked and you shook your head in response. You didn't know what but something about her intrigued you.

"I know you know why Im here and I'm not going to act like you don't but y/n We-" you cut her off as she sat down

"You guys can help me I know... But you really think I believe that shit, You say it to every "Unsub" you've gone after hell you even said it to my mom look where it got her!" you said to Emily almost feeling like you could confide in her like when she said she could help you you could believe her, But... you couldn't and you knew it.

"y/n... Cat is where she is because she chose to be there whether she likes it or not but you don't have to make the same choices she did." Emily replied and you wanted to believe her more than anyone you've ever met and you still didnt know why but she made you feel safe.

"Emily... I've already made those choices and I-"

"y/n the choices you made were all because of Cat she forced you to kill those people. If you tell me what she's holding against you we really can help you"

"Emily! Im not stupid... Just because she was supposedly holding something against me to make me do these things that doesnt help anything I know how this stuff works... No matter what I will still have to sit out the whole sentence I get which with the amount of people I killed will be like life without parole and even if you do get something on Cat she can only be faced with a few more years in prison which she already has Life + so what's a few more years to her..."

"Ok... y/n you're right and i'm not going to sit here and try to pretend you aren't but if you tell us what she was holding against you, You have a whole team of highly ranked FBI agents on your side who do want to help you but we can't do that if you don't help us first..." You didn't want to admit it but every word Emily said to you almost felt like she was being honest... like she really wanted to help you... you wanted to tell her everything but you were scared she was lying and was going to leave you. Tears started welling up in your eyes as you prepared to tell Emily everything.

You started from the beginning at how a few months ago when you were visiting your Mom and she asked if you wanted to help her with something very important you were very hesitant... whatever mom found very important was going to be something you would not want to do and of course it was get the attention of your father... you were confused at how you were supposed to do that as you knew from the beginning he wanted nothing to do with you or so you thought so you asked her and she said to cause a little "problem" one that the FBI would have to get involved.

"She wanted you to kill people... but we already know that, you said she forced you into it. How so?" Emily asked

"At first I refused... I didn't want to hurt anyone let alone kill them it then she started threatening me with leaving me with nothing to be homeless out on the street which I was fine with because I knew I couldn't kill anyone but then she- she" your sentence was cut off by your sobs... you couldn't hold them in anymore and Emily did something you weren't expecting... she hugged you she held you and told you it was okay... it was a strange feeling, Cat had never hugged you... ever even when you were a child she didn't care about you other than as a piece in her game. After a few minutes you were able to control yourself again and you finished telling Emily the story.

"You were saying she threatened to force you into homelessness but that didn't work... what did she do then...?" Emily asked

"She told me she had people on the outside... lots of them and that if I didn't help her shed send one to kill me because I would be of no use to her anymore..." you said with tears falling down your cheeks.

As you finished your sentence Emily held your hand helping you to stay calm... and then you realized that now that you were caught Cat might send one of her people to come get rid of you and a wave of fear washed over you and almost as if Emily knew what you were thinking she looked you in your eye and reassured you they won't let anyone hurt you. She asked if you wanted her to stay with you or if she could go out to the waiting room with her team, you shook your head and said you'd be fine by yourself for awhile as you felt tired and wanted to rest, just before she left she offered to take off the cuff on your wrist saying you weren't a threat so she didn't think you needed to be restrained you thanked her and seconds later she was gone...

Spencer's P.O.V

It had been almost half and hour before Emily came out of that room and when she did all of you stood up and rushed over to her curious to what she got you to say assuming it couldn't have been much.

"So... what did she tell you...?" JJ asked Emily as you guys walked over

"Everything... and it's bad..." Emily responded

"Bad how?" Hotch asked

"It's more than we thought this is bigger than just Cat and y/n.... Cat got people on the outside and if y/n doesn't stick to the rest of Cat's plan she will be the next victim on our list." Emily said

"And what's the rest of Cat's plan...?" JJ asked fearing the answer

"y/n never actually said what Cat's plan for her was but we all know it was to "punish him" and based on what we know about Cat that probably means she wanted him in prison with her again..." Emily said

"But she already did that and it's not like y/n was trying to pin the murders on him so what else could she want-" JJ gasped as she finished her sentence realizing what you already knew...

"She wanted y/n to kill me as her final victim..." you said as you looked up to look at your team.

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