The fair

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Andy's POV:

We finished our ice cream and sat down on the couch, watching the news. I didn't care what was happening in the world. All I could think about was Juliet. I just couldn't get her off my mind. Why was it so hard to get her out of my head? I needed some distraction.

I stoop up from the couch, Emma was watching me and probably wondering what the hell I was doing.

"I need to get out or here. Let's go to the fair." I said to her. 

"Oh, well. Let's go then!" She said. 

She stood up an ran to my car, I followed her. The ride to the fair was rather quiet, but Emma was nearly jumping out of the car when we got there. She loved the fair. I parked the car and Emma jumped out of it ,even before I turned the engine off. She was full of excitement. 

"Let's go to the ferris wheel first!" She screamed.

"The ferris wheel it will be." I said to her.

We ran to the ferris wheel and I bought us some tickets. We went on the ferris wheel, had a lot of fun, ate a lot of food with too much sugar for Emma to handle and I almost forgot about Juliet.


"Do you want to go on the ferris wheel once again?" I asked Emma.

"Of course! I will get us some tickets!" She gave me the stuffed animal I won her and ran away.

I looked around. I saw a lot of people, and they all seemed very happy. Why can't I be like them? I want to be happy like them...

I kept looking at all these happy people, but then I saw Juliet appear out of the blue. She wasn't alone. Of course she wasn't alone. She was with that fucking stupid boyfriend of her. Was he even her boyfriend? Or was she cheating on him as well?

Why the fuck did I actually care?

Juliet saw me as well. She said something to the guy she was with and walked towards me.

I just simply turned around and walked to Emma, who was waving with our tickets. I didn't want to deal with her. Not for now...

"What's wrong?" Emma asked. She looked really concerned.

"Nothing." I said to her. 

But then I heard a familiar voice.

Emma's POV:

"What's wrong?" I asked Andy.

"Nothing." He replied.

But then I saw someone familiar show up. It Was Juliet. How did she had the guts to walk over here? 

"Hi!" She said.

I took Andy's hand. 

"What do you want?" Andy said calmly.

How the hell could he be so calm?

"Nothing, I just wanted to say hi." She said.

Wasn't she aware she had hurt him? That she had left him heartbroken?

I felt Andy's grip thighten. I really wanted to scream. That girl's attitude, and maybe a bit the amount of sugar that I ate, got me angry with her.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Don't you know what you did to Andy? Don't you know you've hurt him? Where the hell did you get the guts to just say fucking 'hi' to someone who's heart you've just broken?" I couldn't hold it anymore.  

I looked at Andy and we turned around. We got in the line for the ferris wheel and Juliet just stood where we left her. Her boyfriend, I assume, came walking to her. She looked like someone just hit her, and she deserved it.

We got in the ferris wheel. 

The sun was setting. The sky turned into pink, red and orange. 

I put my head on his shoulder. 

"Thanks." He mumbled into my hair.

"You're welcome. But she deserved it..." I said to him, while looking him in the eyes. 

He took out his phone and took a picture of me.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him, when I put my head back on his shoulder.

"Your face lights up really beautiful in this light, and I don't want to forget the concerned look on your face. I don't think that anyone was this concernd about me." He said.

"Of course are there people who are concerned about you! A lot of people even! There will always be people who care about you, no matter what happend. " I said to him.

I felt him smile in my hair and relaxed a bit.

He kissed the top of my head.

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