Chapter 5

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Arthur arrived at his home and he managed to get all of his work finished. It wasn't much since it was the first week of his job. He took a shower and ate something quick, before washing his teeth and getting ready for the party. It was eight PM, so Arthur still had a bit of time. He decided to wear some black skinny jeans with some regular shoes, as opposed to his usual boots. Arthur slipped on a white t-shirt that hugged his well-built body and a black jean jacket. He pulled on a blue cap, letting the strap rest on his forehead.

Arthur snapped on a chain necklace and slipped on some rings, grabbing his phone and whatever else was necessary before heading out. When he arrived at the house, it was already packed. He stepped inside and was instantly greeted by everyone and immediately handed a drink, which he took, gratefully.

He felt like a college frat-boy all over again.

Merlin looked at the time and decided it was time for him to get ready too. He knew he didn't want to arrive too early, it was easier to sneak in later into the party. Merlin kept on his skinny jeans, but changed his shirt to one that was a bit more fitting and clung to himself in a nice way. He looked himself over and fixed up his hair in a more flattering way, before pulling on a jacket for the cool weather. Merlin made sure to arrange an Uber to get himself there and he pulled all the money he had been saving, out of his pillow case. It was only enough to get him to the party, but that's all he wanted, anyway.

Merlin made his way out, getting into the Uber. He arrived within 15 minutes and stepped out, seeing the party already quite lively. Merlin raised his eyebrows and walked passed a bunch of already drunk college-age adults. His eyes searched fervently for a specific person. A bunch of commotion seemed to be coming from outside, in the back of the house, so Merlin made his way over.

There was Arthur, with a group of his friends and they all played beer pong. Arthur was exceptionally good at beer pong, but he already had the alcohol in his system. His competitor had two cups left and he got it in one, hearing everyone cheer.  Arthur grinned widely as his opponent threw and missed. He grabbed the ball and held it up, quieting everyone around. He tossed the ball and it landed right in. The group erupted into loud cheers and Arthur high-fived all his friends around him.

Merlin heard all the cheers and watched as Arthur won the game of beer pong and he grinned widely. He had made it in time to see him toss the last ball. After Arthur's friends congratulated him, Merlin walked over to him, keeping his eyes on him. Arthur was definitely eye candy to him and he couldn't keep his gaze off of him.

He cleared his throat before speaking, "that was an impressive shot there, Arthur." Merlin smirked. "You surprised me."

Arthur turned around when he heard someone speak and he froze as soon as he saw Merlin. With alcohol in his system, he could not tell if he was excited or mortified to see Merlin in front of him. It took him a second to come to the realization, causing him to grab his arms and pulled him aside. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, sound rather surprised.

Merlin grinned up at Arthur. "Obviously, I'm here to have some fun." He looked over Arthur, slowly. "Is that a problem?" He licked his lips as his grin seemed to never disappear.

Arthur watched Merlin and he narrowed his eyes as he did. It took him a minute to process his thoughts, due to the alcohol, but it finally clicked. "You eavesdropped on my phone call, didn't you?" He asked, realizing just how clever Merlin was, or how stupid Arthur was for thinking Merlin wouldn't be eavesdropping.

Merlin laughed when Arthur talked and pretended to gasp. "Me? I would never." He shook his head, quickly. Merlin was amused at how Arthur was reacting. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go get myself a drink." He smirked and turned away from Arthur. He headed into the house, confident that Arthur would follow after him and that thought certainly didn't bother him, at all.

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