Chapter 10

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Mentions of sexual content, including BDSM

"You two have been at it for a while, now hurry up before dinner gets cold." Merlin's mother walked away from the door, giving the two privacy once again. Merlin's cheeks turned beet red and he couldn't describe the vast amount of embarrassment he felt. Arthur had quickly turned his head to the door at the sound of the knock and he closed his eyes when he heard Merlin's mother speak. He turned his gaze back to Merlin.

"You couldn't tell me the time your mother was going to get here?" He asked, being rather embarrassed but not angry.

"I didn't know," Merlin responded softly, his wide eyes staring up at Arthur.

"Well, I guess that's your punishment. You're not finishing." Arthur pulled his fingers out and reached for Merlin's wrists, undoing his belt. Merlin opened his mouth to object when he felt a kiss from Arthur. "Your mother now probably knows how much of a naughty little man you are. And I also think that's punishment enough." He smirked as he taunted Merlin. A whine of complaint sounded from Merlin as Arthur pulled away completely to fix up his clothing.

Merlin huffed loudly and sat up, pulling his own clothing back on. A pout remained permanent on his lips as he fixed up his own hair, glancing in the mirror. He looked to Arthur and he pouted even more, turning away and giving him the silent treatment.

Arthur raised his eyebrow when he noticed Merlin didn't talk and he buckled up his belt, chuckling. "Don't fucking give me attitude." He pulled Merlin close and leaned down, giving him a soft kiss. When he pulled back, he smiled. "Unless you want to continue this little game."

Merlin looked to Arthur and let his gaze wander over him for a moment as he thought about his options. "Fine, I'll put the attitude away for tonight." A grin splayed on his lips and he kissed Arthur's cheek. "Now, let's go before my mom thinks even worse things." Merlin took Arthur's hand in his and walked out of the room.

Arthur chuckled and followed. "I'm sure she know the worst," he teased playfully. Merlin wrinkled his nose at Arthur's response and he stuck his tongue out at him. As they headed towards the kitchen, the smell of kidney bean soup filled their noses, bringing a smile to Merlin's lips. Arthur held tightly onto Merlin's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. He knew the best thing to do at the moment was to pretend as if Merlin's mother didn't just walk in on them doing anything.

Hunith looked up as the two entered the kitchen and gave them a smile. "Well, I'm sure you two worked up an appetite," she spoke knowingly before handing the two of them bowls filled with the hearty soup. "Eat up."

Merlin got a tint of pink on his cheeks and then took the bowl from his mother. He glanced to Arthur, almost as if to put the blame on him though he knew it was both of their faults. "Yes, mom, I'm rather hungry," he answered and headed towards the table in the kitchen.

Arthur looked to Hunith and he smiled a bit, taking in the food. "Thank you, Hunith. You didn't have to cook for me, but I really appreciate it," he commented before he walked with Merlin and took a seat next to him.

Hunith smiled at the two. "Of course I did, dear. You are our guest, are you not?" She cleaned up the kitchen, having already eaten prior to Merlin and Arthur.

Arthur smiled and brought the bowl closer to himself as he tasted the soup, humming softly in satisfaction.

Merlin looked over to Arthur as he heard him, a small smile dancing on his lips. "Good?" He asked softly as he ate his own food.

Arthur looked over at Merlin and nodded. "It's delicious." He continued to eat, letting the silence fall in the room only because he knew Hunith had heard them earlier. Merlin watched Arthur enjoy the food before he smiled and focused on his own. He let the familiar flavor roll over his tongue, letting it relax him a bit. He knew his mother wasn't going to hold getting caught against them.

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