Chapter 9

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The following chapter is primarily smut! If reading sexual scenes makes you uncomfortable then feel free to skip this chapter. It won't really affect the main story line, but reading it is still recommended.

"I'm sorry..." Merlin apologized quietly. He really didn't mean anything by the movement and the last thing he wanted was to mess things up between them. He gave Arthur a guilty and apologetic look.

Arthur looked to Merlin and shook his head. "No. Oh- no, I didn't mean it like that, baby. I'm sorry," he responded softly. "I just don't want you to cause something we can't get rid of." Arthur slowly released his grip on Merlin's hip. Merlin stayed quiet for a moment before he looked to Arthur.

"I would be okay with trying to get rid of it." Merlin still had a bit of a blush when he spoke, but he had a serious look. "There are other ways, instead of sex." He bit down on his bottom lip, a little surprised at what he was suggesting himself.

Arthur looked at Merlin and he stayed silent for a second. "Oh," he whispered as he watched Merlin's reactions. "I won't force you to do anything."

Merlin shook his head, meeting Arthur's piercing gaze. "You wouldn't be forcing me if I'm the one suggesting it." His cheeks reddened a bit more. "I just..." He slowly licked his lips. "I just don't have much experience," Merlin admitted quietly and looked down at his fingers.

Arthur raised his eyebrow as he heard Merlin; that was a bit of a surprise to him. "Really?" He asked as he rubbed Merlin's side gently. "If you ever want to do anything, I'll guide you." He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to Merlin's cheek. Merlin nodded and smiled as he felt the soft sign of affection; it relaxed him slightly. Truth be told, ever since the rumors started about him, a lot of people avoided him. He never had any chances to do a lot of things.

He cleared his throat before speaking truthfully to Arthur, "I always want to do things. I just assumed you didn't."

Arthur furrowed his brows and cupped Merlin's cheek, making him look at him. "Baby, it's not that I don't want to, but I want our first time to be entirely special. But you're right. That doesn't mean we can't do other things. I just want you to be entirely ready."

Merlin smiled as he watched Arthur speak. "If it's with you, then I'm ready." He shifted his weight again, but this time it was with more purpose. He kept his gaze on Arthur, taking note of his reactions. Arthur smiled at Merlin and he licked his lips as he felt the movement. He gently gripped Merlin's chin and pulled him down, kissing him. Arthur kept it slow and gentle at first, wanting to ease Merlin into it.

Merlin kissed back gently, letting Arthur take the lead. He rested his right hand lightly on Arthur's chest and ran his fingers across it. Nervous bubbles erupted in his stomach, but he knew he could trust Arthur. He would be patient with him. Merlin made a soft noise as he felt Arthur's teeth graze over his lower lip, allowing the kiss to deepen. Arthur gripped at Merlin's hips and guided him to move, pressing Merlin against him. Merlin quickly picked up what Arthur was hinting towards and slowly rolled his hips against him. He tangled his fingers loosely in Arthur's hair and his body instantly felt the heat. It certainly didn't take long for Arthur to completely set him ablaze.

Arthur felt himself grow harder and his pants tightened painfully around him. He broke the kiss and immediately kissed Merlin's neck, though almost all the gentleness from before was gone; instead, they were forceful and a bit needy. He sucked on Merlin's skin a few times in a few different places, not caring what the outcome may be later. His own hands reached up, quick to start unbuttoning his shirt as lips and teeth attacked Merlin's pale skin.

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