Chapter 2

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Dialogue, language, and sexual content.

It was the night of the Winters Ball and the Anniversary of Hamilton co for having the bestselling stories in New York City, Alexander is so excited for this moment. He's finally made something out of himself.

He walks into the ballroom, filled with people wining and dining, with Eliza in his right arm, Angelica with her wealthy husband, and John following behind him. Alex looks around and holds Eliza with tender care, people surround him and the Broadway actress taking pictures and asking them millions of questions.

Eliza was wearing this beautiful sapphire dress that goes down to her feet with the see through mesh that was dazzled with rhinestones.

Alexander wearing his black and green suit, green vest and black tie with a black jacket that matches his designed pants from Hercules.

Angelica wears a coral colored dress that goes above the knees and rose gold heels. Her hair is in a half ponytail as the curls falls on her shoulders neatly. As for her husband, wears a cream suit with a coral tie and light brown shoes to go along with it.

Peggy was wearing her yellow dress that the skirt flares out, still having her hair in a full ponytail with ludicrous curls and white flats. Lafayette wears a blue floral shirt and checkered pants and black shoes. Hercules wears a forest green suit and black shoes with a chain on his neck.

John wears something similar to Lafayette and Hercules, something that Alexander and Eliza put together, a black lace shirt, green floral suit with a jeweled turtle brooch, and some matching shoes that goes with the suit.

"Alexander, do you really love Elizabeth Schuyler?" One reporter asked, shoving their microphone in his face, "Well, of course I do, we are getting married soon and maybe we'll have some children someday..." he answered, giving the camera a glance and a smile. "Do you take your fiancé everywhere?" A female reporter asked Hamilton, "do not see her right now? Of course I'm taking her everywhere, she's beautiful!" He exclaimed as the raven haired woman blushed at her soon-to-be husband.

John stands out of the cameras but pretty sure they got his reaction about Alex explaining how much he loved Eliza and how beautiful she really is. The smile he had on his face slowly dropped, his phone buzzes and he immediately picked up his phone, he sees " lil' baguette 🥖'' popped up on his phone "hey, Laf, is everything set?" He whispered quietly. "Yes, mon ami, Eliza would be preforming or should be 30 minutes. Where is she?" Lafayette said as he looks through the schedule on his clipboard.

"She's with Alexander, I'll get them backstage..." he said while looking at them smiling and laughing with each other. He hangs up and walks up to them, "hey, that's enough questions for tonight, thank you..." he pulls them to the side, "Okay, Ms. Schuyler you're on in 30 minutes and Alexander they've got your speech out and ready." Peggy leads her older sister in the backstage room and got her ready for her performance.

Alexander and John were walking to him and Eliza's seats that are reserved for them, Hercules is near the door of Eliza's dressing room, waiting for her opening act for her new debut single 'Helpless'. "Marquis, is it time now?" Hercules said in his earpiece, "Yeah, 5 more minutes then we're ready to go." He answered back to him, "love you, Laffy..." he cooed at his French boyfriend.

The Frenchman was flushed by his lover's actions, "I love you too, Hercules..." he said pressing the button in his earpiece, Hercules knocked on the door and opened it, "you're decent, Liza?" He asked, covering his eyes, momentarily.

"Yes she is," Peggy breathed out, "her makeup and hair is ready." Eliza got out of the chair and hugged her little sister, smiling at her. "It's showtime." She said softly.

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